Blizzard please do something about this “fake”-dc. It isnt normal that ppl after looting get a dc and stay offline. This isn
t normal, its only because the don`t get what they want. give them some penalty or something
missing context here
A hotfix has already been applied that after any early leaving they will get a dungeon deserter penalty. If you have additional feedback it is welcome.
So far I’ve seen is a “warbound” deserter penalty, or that all loot gets moved to the last boss for every boss defeated in the dungeon for example.
It might be related to tanks leaving after killing first boss due trinkets dropping at 1st.
true, but you know what im meaning
you cant read if its a normal mob, normal/hc/myth dungeon or raid boss
Play with friends or people from established communities like No Pressure.
You can fix this issue for yourself right away.
sadly most ppl, which cry about this dont want to socialize with anyone and follower dungeon loot is too low for them
If you afk or dc you get the buff… They know this so prob alt f4 and went on to do something else…
I want to play with similar geared people.
If one does guild runs then some 565 item level would wanna join and you’d have to take them or “Guild drama”
Because you are not allowed to set ilevel requirement in guild runs, so i just avoid those.
social skill issue tbh
yea better take a rnd player, which you never see again
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