Blizzard, please, garbage geared uwukers shouldnt hit for more than geared ppl have HP, dont u think?

Im not an expert, but 90-100k one taps without even fully geared uwukers are not ok. Just in case you didnt understand my point, geared uwuker shouldnt hit this much either.

It’s a glass cannon, supposed to hit hard.

Gonna be fun to see geared awakers! Or maybe elopers?

Don’t they even hit in beta for 200k? But in beta in LvL 70 we have around 300-400k right?

You mean hit hard or one tap ppl?
Why would you consider one tapping in competitive pvp ok?

i got 1 shot by one that has equal gear to my ret around ilvl 260 but i also one shot him when wings were up seemed pretty fair not like dhs that have the insane damage along with godlike defensives.

Or oneshot them first:

also yes: they do oneshot in 1-2 GCD. Ofc its must be OP first 1-2 seasons to make this class popular…maybe…but probably they will not become META for pvp. because - glass canon. Mage2.0 s good for pve i think as dps. but classic Mage1.0 s better for RMP :smiley:
also i enjoy to oneshot low geared-op-class-mage2.0 right now, while they r weak: 2v3 skirmish

You seem to be new to df. Let me enlighten. Every class can currently 100-0 in 3 seconds with max pvp gear at 70, so every class is more or less balanced the same way , except for a few tweaks, locks and dh and ret and warrs can do the same but have stronger defensives , the only thing is that this is aoe not single target , look up savix dragonflight burst of each class and you will see , evoker is the least powerful due to being easy to zerg and hard to escape with and very squishy, compared to others , even monks can one shot with fist of the windlord, evoker have its high dmg for 2 hits , then nothing for 2 mins , not a big burst that last for 12-20 seconds , like warriors or enhance , mages , rogues , locks , anything really , 2 big hits and nothing ,

Tbh, in df several classes hit harder then evoker haha

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