Blizzard Please Revert Fury Season 3 bloodthirst changes

Blizzard did 2 changes to bloodthirst before season 3 starts because of the tierset:

  • Reckless Abandon empowers your next bloodthirst instead on next 2
  • Bloodbath shares cd with bloodthirst

They did this to balance the tierset but because of this fury defensives got nerfed. on s1 and s2 when we use enraged regeneration we could use 3 bloodthirst in a row so we got some heals before get kited by target. in s3 we could kinda use 2 in a row (bloodbath > rampage > bloodbath) so it was still ok. in s4 we got s2 tierset so ppl play the s2 build but now because of those changes on bloodthirst that remains still, fury can use a single bloodthirst every 3.5-4 sec. that means healing on defensives is so bad.

Blizzard please revert these changes fury has defensive problem

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