Stop posting this or you will also get a chat ban.
i lost what i had as all the best on my life almost playing these games like nonstop as it was possible i wouldnt be care about an level 20 charcter in an starter wowaccount . with respects <3 i am not trying to be annyoning or β¦ im just trying to get back what i lose from it ;(
Again, stop spamming this.
its not spwming . how can i ignore this harash action that they done to me multiple times ??? that about my time . my money . my life i cant be agree this . did you belive that i would let them to think β oh haha comone guys lets ban some peapole for funn LOL β no! i would never stop to trying to say everyone about my case and asking for cancell it . with respects
its realy sad β¦ its harash β¦ why realy why should i got banned
only beacuse i am alive in a difrent country? =D would u like to say that you are a great human and i am bad beacuse im alive in iran ??? i dont think so . what ever i would to say i love my country blizzard . Blizzard pls stop bann me
This has been explained more times that I care to mention. You are not bad at all, itβs a political thing.
If you want to play I suggest you use VPN to hide your location and buy wow sub with gift cards and not subscription or credit card etc
Well actually I suggest not playing wow at all since it sucks and blizz is bad but whatever
There are better games out there. or u banned from all games?..