Blizzard pruned their own pvp devs

Most classes have alright sustained though. If you let any melee connect with you the whole game, I bet you’re healer will not appreciate it… And if you let any caster free cast on you, you’re healer will hate life.

Most sustained damage is avoided by CC, movement and interupts… This doesn’t mean sustained is bad, just means it’s avoidable… Some classes jsut have more mechanisms to stay connected / cast freely.

PVP has to be attack and defend… You’ve got the flow of play, I then need to either use defensives to stem the flow until an opening or counter pressure to try reverse the flow and make you go defensive…

In my opinion, the worse kind of PVP is attack and attack… whoever bursts wins.

Have you watched any of the tournaments? all of them go into dampen… this means sustain is too low and mana regen is too high

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