Blizzard, put an end to this. Now

What adds to the “fun”, when you’re on a patchwerk style of fight with PRIDEFUL buff, where you can just spam stuff and build CC procs, not running out of mana, you will do approx the same dmg as a fire mage. So basically on a burnout phase where youre not conserving mana you reach ST damage output of a fire mage. I know flat dmg buffs ain’t the best thing to do as a fix, but its better than a big flat out nothing.

Sure, but combustion’s CD is lowered by kindling which makes you pretty much use combustion on AOE without thinking that you need to save it for boss.

I’m talking about trash mob AoE in M+ btw.

Generally speaking and compared to frost and arcane, fire spec does less damage than frost and arcane (without major CDs up) outside of combustion.

I feel like arcane’s problem right now is more of a “quality of life” issue than a strict dps issue.
Our damage in a fight depends way too much on our personal RNG (clearcasting procs), on outside RNG (being targeted by random boss/environment mechanics) and on general team composition/experience/awareness (kinda RNG aswell).
This means that we perform well, decent or horribly bad based on something which is not always in our control.
Not to mention the fact that our rotation changes heavely based on mana, cooldowns, procs and mechanics.
Also, mistakes hurt A LOT. Way too much.

So, IMHO, strictly incrementing the damage wouldn’t really help.
What we really need is an easier time managing our abilities and resources, by having:

  1. less RNG on clearcasting procs (maybe incrementing the chance of proccing the more it fails to proc)
  2. little bit longer clearcasting duration (or even make it last until used!)
  3. little bit more mobility (maybe making evocation channelable while moving baseline)
  4. 3% more global damage, because of what we arcanes had to endure these last months :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I could probably think of other little changes here and there but, for now, I would be happy to see some of these.
I’m not saying that arcane should be changed all of a sudden to make it competitive with fire and frost.
I just feel we need some little changes to make it easier and more enjoyable to play it.

I agree on RNG. Specs that relies on procs to do any meaningful damage is just a bad design.
Dont get me wrong. Some RNG is nice and fun, but putting 80% of a spec’s damage output on procs without any RNG protection is a really poor design to the point that makes you wonder.

It would be cool if…

Clearcasting procs instead of being rng, proc every x amount of mana used. 30sec buff, refeshes on reapplication.

You could burn mana stock up your missles then AP and burn.

No rng, all control and burn :grin:


true. but sometimes you will still have some toxic people blaming you because “mEtA”

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Well as it seems, we are receiving a minor buff to arcane affinity on PTR, but i dont see how that will improve the raid performance.

Please take your time and ask blizzard devs about arcane! Now you can do it here:

Raise your concerns, let your voice be heard!

We have 2 days guys.

Today I decided to do 11+ as fire for a change but realized I don’t even have a fire=specific legendary… so I run with triune xd

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