Blizzard rotate poor class balance intentionally

Sick of no one calling this out and getting fed up of being taken for an idiot.

It’s clearly obvious that it’s intentional. Anyone with a brain knows, and to be fair, I understand why they do it, as it makes perfect business sense.

They want you constantly re rolling and gearing alts, to the current (only viable FOTM) classes.

WHY? because while you are doing that you are continuing to pay them money every month.

Why is no one call them out on this ? Everyone always tip toes around them in interviews etc

Can no one ask them directly the point in alphas and betas if it’s going to be this messed up when the game releases? Are we expected to believe they are just clueless?

Then you have the MMR issue in solo, clearly to push you in to playing BLITZ SOLO

Fed up leveling and gearing a class on release, only for it to be gutted the following week

They are legit having a laugh

I think you are giving them too much credit. They dont dont care. Every second Friday before they leave the office they draw sticks and see who lost, who will change few random percentages in the pvp code and call it a day.

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at this point , if they dont fix MMR in arena.

it wouldn’t surprise me if RMT for boosts in pvp start to sky rocket

just pointing out the obvious here

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I agree with all of you at the moment,pvp is completely crushed,useless Racials/passives/actives without even lore point,most ally racials get penalty with insignia (30s)against hordes…or nvm about them,what about my 1600cr at blitz meat ppl with 2500… probably i lose ok…isnt competitive…isnt fair,isnt funny…at rank game some classes,specs need remastered their skills such mistweaver teleportation through the wall…wtf…his speedrun like Gm…and more like this …3 classes,specs rule the game…do you like it?ofc good players climbing to top…we dont care about them,we care about happiness of this game we all loved at past.

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