Blizzard Screwed Outlaw Rogue

Got back to game for pre-patch. Changed some stats on my items for the new changes prioritizing haste and picking up Killing Spree etc. I used to be the top dps easily in fortified M+ weeks and now no matter what I do - also trying alternative talents - most other undergeared melee classes can out dps my Outlaw rogue by 100K dps overall. So, Screw your zero communication during beta, and screw your class design philosophy Blizzard. So friggin’ done with these friggin’ incompetent clowns. ChatGPT can design better talents than your class designers.


Same story here.
After pre-patch my damage went way down. Used to pull 350-380k single target consistently, but to my surprise it’s now down to 250-290k and only if fight allows me to stay on the boss all the time (gl with that in m+).


Logged there tonight and found that shadow dance was moved to sub. I think it’s just time to call it quits with this class and have her as a museum peice. 20 years, Vanilla, My first toon, my main. I cannot believe I’m not looking forward to running her through TWW first.

Shadow dance being gone and having 2 vanish stacks is literally the only good thing that came out of TWW for Outlaw.

They destroyed the rogue the moment the made him outlaw. Every expansion it got worse.

Simple test, play the start area as if you are new to wow, there is ONE elite to kill there, All other classes can solo this one easily, exept the rogue. BLIZZ seriously has no idea how to play a rogue, let alone program one. This oulaw need to be killed and make him back to COMBAT again, with melee weapons and NOT stupid pistols !!!

I am gonna say goodbye to my rogue for TWW and switch to monk, this class plays a 100x better and is way more fun.


I had fun with it in Legion but every expansion since its gotten worse.
In BFA I was being creative to make it more fun, SL that was gone… and now I’m for the first time ever thinking on abandoning my character.
Played it since vanilla… but I don’t know if I can go yet another expansion not really enjoying it and hoping it will get better.

They really need to get away from this gambling simulator and just give me my combat rogue back.

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Pre-patch has never been balanced, so I don’t get the drama.

It should’ve been always sub only.

I agree, I’ve hated Outlol since day 1.

You can as sub. Outlaw/assa are just terrible at low level.


I hate all this stealth based thing but loosing SD as outlaw is not a good thing. Yes 1 less button to press but we loose at least 1 stealth window on boss fights (so more just waiting around doing suboptimal dps), also good luck with using our stealth windows on tougher solo fights without SD.

I tried leveling as an outlaw in dragonflight…
Am I the only one who needs to use defensive cooldowns, when trying to fight against more than two mobs at once or does that happen to you too?

I mained Combat rogue since TBC until Legion, where they killed my boi.

Something numbers can and will compensate for. I’d argue that being able to keep a vanish stack for when you really need it is actually a big W over SD.

Yes it sucks for solo play and I’m also on the team of “get rid of stealth based damage”, but relatively speaking it’s an upgrade.

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