Blizzard should bring back Quinton Flynn and apologise to him

You know, with disgusting corporate practices like this… can’t wait for some malicious rando to accuse Bobby Kotick of some made-up BS. Just saying.


Meanwhile they put an NPC for a known racist writer.


Actually, it shows that Blizzard cares about brownie points with SJWs more than anything else currently.

Not enough content? Better have this dude re-dub all Kael’s lines on a whim.

99% WoW players don’t even know about this so-called scandal, let alone care.

Stop ruining people’s legacy based on whims!

I’ve heard they found several dead bodies in Benjamin Franklin’s basement. Better dissolve the USA since one of the founders was apparently a mass murderer!

same logic


I really disliked when this happen that people get cancelled from their because of some non-work related stuff. But kael’thas new voice is really good so I don’t mind that :slight_smile:

Holy crap, that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve read for a while.

You are a part of a problem, you know that right?

“Not guilty does not necessarily mean innocent.”
It literally means innocent, not only that, court has ruled for site to be taken down.

By your logic I can assume you are a murderer until you prove you are innocent!



Reminds me of “female pro” fiasco in OW, when players suspected that “girl” playing isn’t actually girl and how “journalists” from Kotaku, Polygon and other SJW “media” accused players of mysoginy, toxic masculinity etc… and then it turned out to be guy pretending to be girl just for the lulz.

So Blizzard quickly announced Soldier 76 as gay, just to cover up scandal and to earn some sjw points


Orrrr…It Could just be the nature of Voice Acting work and how it actually applies. Quinton Flynn was not employed by Blizzard at that time. What, you think they kept paying him after TBC until now, when they didn’t need him anymore? I mean if you ever find an employer who goes “Yeah, we’re going to pay you a wage, for ehh, sitting on your sofa, or you can go work for another company, that’s totally cool” Then let me know! I am so up for that! That ain’t how VA works. He had a contract, he fulfilled the contract, at which point Blizz (and him) have no obligations towards each other. He won’t care, he’s already been paid for his work! They’ve changed and retconned VA stuff in the past (Lor’themar being a prime example, Varian Wrynn another) not because of any perceived misdoing, but sometimes a VA just can’t commit to something if they have another project on the go.
The only time a VA will get a constant wage is in Audiobooks, because you get Royalties, and generally they can’t recast because of that fact. A VA working on a video game will already have been paid PCH, so it doesn’t -matter- if said company changes the VA and then retcons it, because the Contract has been fulfilled and the VA will have already been paid for doing it!

As I say, he can’t be fired by Blizz, because he doesn’t work for Blizz, he was contracted for one job, and was paid for that job. That’s kind of like saying I should be able to claim a wage or sue a company I worked for ten years ago, when I was on a set contract for a set period of time and completed my contract. If someone else is now doing the job I was doing (Which is almost certainly the case) then I don’t have any rights to financial recompense.

Weirdly in Britain, Scotland has it’s own legal findings, which are ‘Guilty’ ‘Not Guilty’ and ‘Not Proven’ The latter kind of meaning “We know you did it, but there is not enough evidence” So not kind of as good as ‘Not Guilty’.

Yes, and that is pretty disgraceful, her NPC should be removed. However she too does not work for Blizzard. She was contracted to write one book. She wrote the book. She isn’t a Blizzard Employee, she writes for one of the New York newspapers if I recall. That is her regular job. Still a disgusting human being though, who they should sever all ties with.

It is less a Witch Hunt, just how the VA industry works, and has worked, long before people came up with the ridiculous term ‘SJW’.


Every man who ignores this type of thing and continues to let this happen towards other men is shooting themselves in the foot. We currently live in a world where a female can say random made up stuff about us and we insantly lose jobs/wealth/reputation and art we have worked towards just from people saying something. The media also love to tell everyone a man has been accussed but are very quiet or write very little when they are proven to be innocent.

I believe there should be a system of anonymity for the accussed until they are proven guilty. Unless there is very hard evidence that the public is in danger if they don’t. The media shouldn’t be able to call someone a sexual predator etc in headlines without a court case.


6th Amendment

These rights are given to all men or women under trial for any sort of wrongdoing. They establish the “innocent until proven guilty” mantra that is present in the United States legal system.

The law sees you as innocent until proven guilty, So going to have to disagree with you there.

In the nation this is happening in anyway.


We don’t know what really happened wrt Flynn, so lets not pretend we do.


He’s a white man so he’s guilty by default in the eyes of the deranged ideology that infests Blizzard nowadays. Meanwhile, Madeline Roux who is openly racist and sexist towards white men is protected and supported by Blizzard.


Except we do because the OP has stated he got found not guilty. Would you like the same thing to happen to you? Someone says something about you and everyone just believes them and you get cancelled? “How will we ever know what Thodric has done? let’s just cancel him to be safe” If a court case isn’t enough for you then what is? You realise how wrong and how much power that gives females to destroy anyone they just don’t like?


You do know that millions of people get sacked every year for doing things that aren’t illegal?

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You do know there is employment laws right?

Indeed. So Flynn should take them to an employment tribunal and if he’s in the clear then we will all know and it’ll be out in the public domain.

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But here you are saying “we don’t know what happened” while a court of law his determined him not guilty? We do know what happened.


You don’t need to have broken the law to be justifiably sacked from a job.

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That was the reason he lost his job though, So it does matter in that context. 100% unfair and unjustified.


Do you know that for a fact, that this is the single and only reason he was sacked? A specific allegation that has been conclusively disproved?


Clutching at straws. We all know this is the reason.