Blizzard should fire each and everyone involved in SoD pvp class balance and BG design

i saw this in 5s. you cant see it after looking at it for 5 months. you are incompetent clowns, a disgrace to the legacy of this great game.


Completely agree… the incompetence is real.

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Yep they completely nailed it. Gave it a shot for an AB as alliance and it was full premade with 4 heals horde side vs full random alliance side. If you have to find a premade everytime you wanna pvp its gonna be a pain so I’m just moving on. SoD is disappointing and failed on so many points despite a huge potential.
I still kinda hope this is a beta for a true classic+ next year but if it’s the same team taking care of it I won’t even bother.

Jokes on you, there is no dev assigned to PVP side of SOD.


Blizzard already covered themselves by saying early phase that pvp balance doesn’t concern them much… But you can fire whoever nerfed healing in pvp in p3 and forgot to revert it back in p4… Then whoever brought back premades and whoever made the screwed up que system that made horde que as smaller groups that allowed them to have instant que. Because when they que solo the que magically goes up to 25/50min… Must have been the same error that causes login queues for living flame just a couple days ago :smile:

and also blizz, literally changing abilities in P4. yeah truly not caring at all.

there never was.

people been asking for classic + type of content forever, when they finally get it, they cant deal with it.

We knew what we were getting and if you wanna be the op spec, you have no choice but to roll it and play it

I don’t like that myth about not having pvp balance in classic wow. We know it’s tough balancing pve and pvp at the same time, but if you treat PvP as a mini-game like many PvE players like to think, you end up with a dead game. PvP keeps the game alive between raid logs. It gives an open world immersion and motivates people to get better over and over, compared to a scripted PvE content.

The devs should focus on it if they hope the overall SoD experience to be a success.


Dear god, you guys need to go outside or something.

If you idiots are still paying for this garbo version of WoW then you have only yourselves to blame for the state it’s in.

This is good.

Maybe soon the PvPers will finally be gone

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how about alliance play the game instead of going afk ?

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Yeah that would be great, but I have been having some fun RPing too

Not much else to do really when your team throwing match

Bought a nice white dress from the AH, the gossamer one with nice gold trim detail and a white hoodie, might try get a white Gandalf hat though

Then I just walk about with my prairie chicken

I hope I’m on some youtubers crappy video, I can only dream

Sometimes I can get up to 5 hordies dancing with me, so technically I’m soloing 5v1 and rest my teams only left with 14v 10 but we still loose

You know things are bad when a hunter in a white dress with a chicken can deal with more horde players than rest of their team

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First of all I love PVP but as is now if we do play properly by caping flags and bases we get mass reported by our own team for “blocking team progress”. Alliance has litteraly given up at this point and I only se one solution and that is that Blizzard do a mixed team of hordes + alliance vs horde + alliance so noone can complain about imbalance.

That and also give BIS weapons to PVE player for free but they do 0 damage in PVP so that PVE players stay away from BGs and stop ruining Battlegrounds. To PVE players the BGs are just a forced grind they do not want to participate in.

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Force alliance to play be like just rush farm, be a bunch of wasps there and then do whatever. People don’t want to prolong this failure of balancing if they don’t have to.


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Absolutely. I did some AB yesterday and still I am fascinated about the latest alliance “tactic” which is “Rush farm, don’t, by all means, tap anything, just farm some kills and wait till the 2k resources for horde have ticked in at most 5 minutes!”

Well. Last time I used at least 4 weeks, maybe even 5, to get from R10 to R11. Playing every evening for hours and on weekends even many more.

Yesterday I experienced the “how to get to R11 within 5 hours” :poop:. On one hand I am glad to get rid of the AV wolf on Wednesday, on the other hand it was tiring and maximum boring. Hopefully WSG weekend will bring some PvP that’s worth the name.

Wonderful :heart:

You gave me some input how to get my lock to R11, too, without feeling to waste my time. Maybe we meet. I will have some clothes to change in my bags before I queue tonight. Think, I also have the Shimmering Flats chicken … so if you see a lock with chicken wandering about - it’s maybe me. :grinning:

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That’s really bs af.
There were 2 games yesterday though that alliance steamrolled us with 5 bases and we were completely helpless. Maybe bc we weren’t used to being fought :sweat_smile:

(I play Alliance) I have won a few games with the scenario that you mentioned but I have also experienced at least 2 games where my name openly was called out for mass reporting because I capped the farm and fearing the autoban the only thing left to do is to follow the sheep heard and stay silent. I hope Blizzard finds a solution to this.

the only thing blizzard will do is nerf honor gains and call it a day.
Noone wants to play AB, AV nor WSG because there is no intention on Blizzards part to make the game balanced or fun for everyone.
I can load up any other game, join a Multiplayer match/lobby and get matched with people on my skill level to the point i’ll have a ~50% win ratio.
there’s outliers everywhere, but if i look at my win ratio, it’ll be close to 50% in any game.
And then there’s WoW…

80% and upwards of matches that are lost entirely or won without effort.
Please, for the love of WoW, give us more participation awards in this game!
-played AV for 1h? Massive honor gain
-lost AB 1990 to 2000 ? loser gets almost same amount of honor
lost WSG 2 - 3 after 30min+? More honor gained than AV rush

On Top of that you could introduce other rewards for good performance, alas we all know whats going to happen…