Blizzard? - SoD going forward

Dear Blizzard Team,

I regret not jumping into Season of Discovery from the very beginning—because, honestly, it’s the best thing you’ve created in the last 15 years! The atmosphere, the gameplay, the community, and the innovative changes with runes, dungeons, and raids have made this an unforgettable experience.

Please continue to develop and expand upon SoD rather than transitioning it into TBC or beyond. The magic of this version lies in its unique design, and moving past the Dark Portal would risk losing what makes it so special.

Keep up the amazing work, I truly hope to see more exciting content for SoD in the future!

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My personal thoughts are that they will ceep SoD going for a time longer than anounced.
This is suposed to be the last phase, but they still have Scarlet raid left to do and the latest hint is they will ad Cow paladins and Dwarf shamans.

I still think this is the beta for a futurs classic+ and they have a perfect test realm in SoD.

I would also rather not go beyond the Dark Portal and stay in Azeroth as a 60er with additional content.

However, the only thing I personally do find a very interesting idea is adding the Northerend continent. So, not necessarily the WotLK expansion as a whole per se, but just the continent which would include tweaked and cancelled content from the original exp. For example:

  • No WotLK Naxx and sheit Trial of the Crusade raid
  • No Malygos and Sartharion raids
  • Keep lvl cap at 60
  • You can still quest in the zones for reputation with (new) factions to gain new profession recipes and catch up gear for alts. Maybe even some scaling to allow alts to level there.
  • Add Azjol Nerub as a complete zone including a raid with Anub’arak as final boss (he deserves it)
  • Add Utgarde Catacombs as 10 player raid, similar to ZG. Meaning you get rep for a faction and can get some nice enchants and consumables
  • Add Drak’Tharon keep as a raid with a living and UD side, similar to stratholme
  • Add achievement system but only with limited and challenging achievement worthy to pursue. Not like retail where you get showered with achievement after simply repairing your gear
  • Revamped ICC

I’ve always felt that the endgame content in WoTLK was a huge disappointment, especially after eagerly anticipating it for so long following WC3. I believe it had much more potential and SoD could explore these possibilities. Also, lore wise, this would tie in nicely with Nax and Scarlet Crusade being the final content in the current SoD.

I know that this implementation comes with many problems as well and that it prolly would never happen anyway. But these were just some thoughts.

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These ideas are nice but I think it’s clear by now, especially from all the hints Aggrend has been repeating - how they are such a small team, that 100% new content, expansion worthy, with new art assets will probably never grace SoD.

Think about it a bit from a business perspective, they would have to pay to develop new assets (zones, item models, new enemies etc.) only for a handful of the WoW audience.

Everything new in SoD so far has been reused assets, and the scarlet raid seems to continue that trend.

The only version of the game they seem to reserve the privilege of developing new content is WoW live. WoW classic has been such a big hit with Blizzard probably for the very fact that there was barely any development required to keep it running for how much players it brought back to pay a subscription.

Maybe I’m wrong- I wish I am! But I don’t think Blizzard would be interested in having two versions of WoW in development, live and SoD. Especially when the live version makes so much more money than classic through all the mounts/pets/cosmetics, shop in general, than classic WoW.

Don’t really care if the reuse stuff as long they give us “new content”

i never want to see “achievements” again in any version of classic wow.
i knew the second they were introduced in wotlk people would constantly insist in every raid to “do the achievement” while everyone else just wanted to get the raid over with after having done the god damn thing a million times already, but were forced to struggle so achievement-hunter andy could get his box ticked on his 6th alt.

this is exactly what happened in wotlk and now that i don’t play that game anymore, i have only bad memories and bad things to say about the concept.

i don’t mind doing an achievement once or even twice, but when i’m confronted with basically having to do it every other week, on a regular basis, i start getting grumpy.

from the very beginning of wotlk up to the very end of its life cycle, people in raids were asking the same annoying question: “can we do the achievement pls?”


sorry for the tangent, but this sort of “content” grinds at my will to live.

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I think you guys ask to much what they should add or mot add XD
The sod phase 7 announcment was like 5 second long and so far in sod they pretty much changed old existing raids and added 2 dungeons. I dont think they will change game mechanics or add new zones what have you.

Its about to use the zones we alredy have. There is dungeons and raid that are used in future expantions but are located in the old world. so what they got to do is the same for Scarlet raid. They go and get it and just put it in the current world. What im talking about is the DK zoon. Whit that in mind how hard can it be to open up Kaazan or cavern of time for an example.

Very hard it seems