Blizzard SORT IT OUT

Arenas on alts are an absolute joke. My 200 ilvl mage is facing 40k+ HP players every second game. Everyone is paying for boosts.

This is the result of the system you implemented, where gear is both an incentive and a requirement. So rather than having a reasonable competitive playing field it’s just a gold farming playground for players who have their gear. Anyone coming late to the party is just getting shafted.

Sort it - make it so gear doesn’t scale until higher ratings:

  • <1400 MMR capped at 200 ilvl
  • <1600 MMR capped at 207 ilvl
  • <1800 MMR capped at 213 ilvl
  • <2100 MMR capped at 220 ilvl

So if you’re fresh to a new MMR bracket you have a disadvantage, but not a massive one. The way you’ve designed is just discouraging players from engaging in PVP at all


yea i wanted to do arena on my alts but when I just think about it, I give up.
Of course you can climb but it is so negative fun that I rather do nothing instead and log off.
lfg is useless with ilvl 200 and then getting zugzuged by pala/warri, rogue mage or ww priest is indeed mucho fun :ok_hand:


Scaling was a major point of contempt for literally everyone for the period of time from Legion to BFA. We finally got rid of it, and now you’re complaining about it again? xD

Bucko if your gear stinks in PvP, then maybe you should look at the alternative options to give yourself a bit of an edge, before pushing to get the PvP gear. M+, Raiding etc.

Finish the covenant campaign and whatever else you can do to close the gap. An MMORPG that rewards people who invest more time into their character is IMO an MMORPG that is worth playing. Not some P2W slot machine this game has been for the longest time.

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You’re missunderstanding what he‘s trying to say . If you Ding 60 now and get your ilvl 200 Basic conquest gear it is near impossible to improve your gear from there via pvp. This is because in Order to get the rating needed to upgrade gear you already need upgraded gear or you have to play vastly better than everyone else.

Ofc i mean without getting carried by someone who is geared


I mean if your gear upgrades and additional power is locked behind you needing to get better at the game, doesn’t that really tell you something?

Git gud, as they used to say.

Thats the thing. Getting better alone doesnt really do it anymore. Its like saying: „you‘ll get your racing car as soon as your good enough to Beat me in a race. But until then you have to ride your bycicle, so just git gud“


I mean at this point you’re comparing an MMORPG with alternative routes to boost your characters power than punching a brick wall to racing a car with a bike homie.

I dunno’, when you’re late to the game, it does suck. It sucked way back in MoP, and it sucked in Cata, as far as I remember and have played the game. But I’d still rather have this system where you can pick the item that you WANT, and you don’t need to replace it until the season changes.

Idk if you liked and enjoyed the RNG loot pieces you got during Legion, where you couldn’t affect your chars stats whatsoever due to the template pvp design, but I didn’t.

All true but just beacuse it could be worse doesnt mean its good. Ofc there are alternative routes thats why i said „via pvp“

So whats the alternative?

“Hey here’s a daily quest you can do to get your mythic ILVL weapon :slight_smile: gz you sure worked hard for it!”

Catch up mechanics for example. Tokens or something you get for pvping via your vault. That allow you to upgrade piece by piece over the course of weeks

But there are many suggestions all over the forums

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Oh look, another “git gud” comedian who is too dumb to understand what the problem is at the moment. People literally stand no chance because they go up against people in 220+ ilvl gear and glad/rank1 booster, who are playing at ratings they shouldn’t even be at. Jog on.


That’s not a bad idea.
Giving a base 215 during mid-season would help the alt-gameplay a little bit. It still leaves the higher ilvls and bigger upgrades behind a moderate skill requirement, while giving you a chance at least, to hold your ground.

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Oh look, another Blizzard slotmachine fanboy wishing for +50 ilvl titanforges and other RNG electric boogaloo to magically make alts as powerful as the main characters people have worked on for months. : ^ ) Jog on.

And git gud.


Im also not saying its impossible to rank up in 200ilvl. But the gear wall for new chars is so high that in order to beat 215-220 ppl its not enough to git gud you have to be absurd overwhelmingly better to consistently win against this ilvl advantage

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Oh really, please provide a quote of me saying anything remotely close to wanting that. Are you arms warriors ok? You all seem to like to make stuff up alot lately. Please wear a helmet.

don’t bother, that dude is a bit behind with many things, he didn’t know that condemn is a shadow damage school, he thought warriors are dealing magic damage

Oh look, it’s mr fail again. We knew condemn is shadow damage, and shadow is magic damage. But that simple concept was a bit hard to grasp for you. Please continue to make an utter fool out of yourself.

he would never comprehend the level of skill and meticulous cold cunning it takes to dropkick a druid in a single storm bolt…

Average rogue crybaby he he he heeeee…

LOL that’s kinda hilarious, since you’re pretty average yourself. Your best is 2407 (but not even in 3s), which is not bad. However far from a top player. But it’s nothing new though, people who get to 2400 for the first time and get a little arrogant.

just remove the rating requirements for all upgrades…make them cost conquest or ridiculous amounts of honor that get reduced by how high your rating is…let all people no matter the skill level be able to grind out their full gear with time investment only and in the end of the season play on the same/fair playing feald in full gear as the top players and let just the skill do the talking and see where they end up.

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