Blizzard SORT IT OUT

I don’t disagree totally that if you are stuck at 1.2k it is not because only of gear Because the players that got gear and play there are really terrible.
But to be honest it is always an uphill battle and way too stressful for low rated game because with those gear they can just one shot me with 30k hp randomly with a DV or starsurge or whatever you name it.

My problem is that I reached 1.6k and i am still ilvl 205 because i don’t get enough conquest points. I don’t want to play anymore because i don’t want to drop because it is so frustrating to play, especially with lfg it is hit or miss to find someone that is not terrible at that rating.

so i logged off and called it a year because NO FREAKING FUN!

but yea i should smash buttons harder to get bigger crits, totally agree

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For me neither of the two extremes is good. Scaling is absolute lazy, actual system right now is horrendous for any alt.

The reason for current problems lies within the huge ilvl gap and the absence of a pvp Stat. The high ilvl pieces are not only good in pvp but pve as well. Everyone wants then and they destroy everything. If they’d have a pvp Stat, they would be less important in pve and thus rating req could be lowered, thus making them more accessible early on. Alternatively the ilvl steps could be removed and there is only base conquest with 210 and 226 conquest. Every piece has a rating req. Hands e. G. could be 800 rating then chest 900 till shoulders 2000. Wrath had that kind of gearing and the powerdifference was way smaller… If you had the arena points as there was no catchup.

The catchup system needs to be tuned. You can’t farm 6000 conq with 25 points per win plus some daily and weekly extra gains. It’s hell of a grind.

It’s the first season, I can’t remember a first season where everything was great. I like that for 9.0. 5 there is already a lot going on, however I feel like 9.1 needs to bring huge changes. All in all I am very reminded of Wrath in the early stages and that turned out to be the best expansion for pvp.

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I queued 2v2 for like 6 hours in the 1600-2k mmr range and maybe faced one booster, and when we lost we knew what we did wrong and couldn’t really blame the gear difference. This boosting thing is way overblown.

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I shouldn’t have to do M+ or raiding to compete at 1400 rating. The whole point is 1400 rating gives me 207 gear so that’s the level of gear you should expect to compete against

Scaling was a problem for everyone? Really? I don’t recall it that way at all. Stat templates were a problem, but scaling ilvl is fine and necessary

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Yeah but this is different its ilvl cap…simple ilvl cap not weird scaling we had before.

You are got 2.4k in 2s as warrior and now you thinking you are god. You are arrogant and toxic person. If you cant see how bad experience is to catch up atm you are blind or stupid.

Imagine pvp was bigger and better when we didnt have this bullshot gearing like now. I want to bet all my gold that you are legion kid.

totally agree with you on your repost :smiley:

People like this is why WoW is horrible for new players. Imagine a fresh player no friends/guildies yet. Has ilvl 200 gear and wants to start arena. Goes against 2 arena players with 40k HP vs his 20k HP. Gets one shotted by convoke/Combustion burst/Ret burst. He has no idea what just happened and when he asks, he gets told to GeT GuD by someone whos been playing since wrath. He uninstalls WoW and never plays again.

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I’ll be honest I preferred wod, but then wod was when we had an actual pvp stat not versa . I never found versatility to be a “better alternative” than what we had before. In fact if anything it just stole any option to pick stats creatively towards an idea because one out of two stats I stack is already chosen for me which imho is worse than having premade stats.

I recall in wod I’d swap between haste crit gear or mastery/multistrike (I think that was it?) depending on personal survival or larger damage windows as demo which was great because it was actually a choice, versa was tiny due to pvp stats and multi strike

Also pvp set bonuses were a thing, something that made it a food for thought on if all in on stat prio was worth more than what set bonus provided, it was actually a choice and I still miss that flexibility even now where I could mess about with different off Meta builds that were somewhat useable

Could I do that now? Nope, I need versa and I need haste, everything else is obsolete

Point of my post- gear has never been so dull I literally just farm cp now dont care for first time since forever the get Gud argument doesn’t change that I’d probably happily cop out to a privet mop/wod server if it had population just because fun was killed in progression for me already

Cool, I hadn’t read your post but great minds think alike I guess. I think there’s always this conflict between an MMO rewarding players with advantages for their efforts, and the nature of PVP requiring a level playing field. I think this strikes a good balance

That’s why we tought of scale by rating and close to nothing outside for ppl with inferiority complex.

The part of me (and i think a lot of players) with bfa pvp scaling was that lvl 120 full green char could outdmg/dps you easily with good secondaries. (not even talking about rextroy exploit with lvl 10 frost mage…)

We did not have pvp stat but Ilv scaling and set bonuses.

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Ofcourse they are.

you guys argued against scaling, and that gear rewards should be inline with raiding and above M+. u guys got what u demanded, im afraid ur also gonna have to accept alot of M+ Focused players are now gonna use boost services to obtain that gear.

this is caused by a PvE Loot problem. if someones looking for a non-raid enviroment to gear through Arenas are the method. but people behind will pay out to catch up. til they can spam RBGS all day :P.

Fix PvE gearing and the PvErs will remove themselves from PvP and boosting will go down.

I think one big issue right now, especially in arena is that you have to go through so many layers to find out what went wrong when you lost a match:

  • Did they play the current “OP” classes?
  • Did they have much more ilvl that you did?
  • Did they just manage to get a lucky hit on you?

And most importantly:

  • What did we do wrong?
  • Do we have a working comp?

I want to know what i did wrong and how do i fix it, but it’s so difficult trying to find that out when someone still 1 global you through all your defenses, or some massively op class spam 1 button and out damage your perfect setups for chill streaks in my case.

However good gear should be a reward for overcoming a certain rating, but meeting 220+ ilvl in a below 1600 rating?

smaller yes but those with 2.2k weapons deleted people on 1.6k rating as well.

That system was also trash.

Why we need a rating wall for gear anyways? we are already time gated by conquest points.
High rating gives title, mount and transmogs, that is more than enough to have motivation apart from “showing off” and competition.
We don’t need gear progression with ilvl steps.

Make conquest ilvl 226 base and call it a day. I would widen the sources and amount to get conquests as well.
Make bg wins give 50 conquests and don’t lower the amount you receive after first win.
make skirmish give conquests, 15 conquests or something per win.
heck make more quests to give out conquest points.

there is no prestige in getting conquest points anyways. Farming low rating or afking bgs is basically no difference anyways

Wasn’t it just equipping two trinkets for 20% damage reduction? (Instead of this idiotic exponential versatility scaling).

Who’s to say that he’s inclusive to the “majority” cough (I mean minority which consists of the PvP tryhards) that complained about scaling?

Also I don’t think you truly understand just how tedious “gearing in PvP” is if you constantly fight against boosters. M+ is just as tedious and also consists of boosters, so does Raiding. It all comes down to money if you want it fairly easy.

However if you plan on working on it yourself, good luck; you’re in for a hellish ride.

The honor gear should get an upgrade on the base level. I leveled my mage recently and the only " somewhat reliable" way to gear up via PvP for me is to spam epic bg’s, which I despise, because Arena is an “no go”- area for low item level chars and normal bg’s aren’t much better. All that trouble for 158 gear you have to upgrade through long and painful grind where you get destroyed by full geared players in random BG’s. :confused:

I think they are already experimenting with WoD style gear. Wait until then and git gud.


I never claimed to be rank 1 :smiley: I infact even blatantly stated that my gear upgrades are locked behind my own personal requirement to get better at the game.

But its understandable. You’re mad, and frothing, which means you don’t read everything that’s being typed my guy.

people care about this kinda stuff in PvP ?

Thats a tragic state. PvP should be all about equal gear so only (or at least mostly) skill matters. MoP PvP gearing was how it should be to please the PvP community. slight_smile:

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