Blizzard /spit in the eye of the playerbase

At Least /Pick Is Stil There

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Pretty sure yours is, actually.

Yes, defeat since I continually refuted many of your statements.

Not a lie at all, proven by your own posts.

Already linked plenty, weird that.

Sorry? Speaking out against heteronormative views isn’t extremist, nor a phobia. If you were unaware, heteronormative views are centered in homophobia.

Not really, you’re supportive of the ones having views you deem as ‘correct’ and not anyone else. Like, you labelling me an extremist for having differing views given I’m part of the group you so seem to dislike.

Then you’re aware of what you are and my labels are correct to fit to you.

No, I’m really not.

Actually, it is.

Still sexism even if it’s ‘poking’.

Sexism is sexism, sexual harassment is sexual harassment. Making such jokes is not okay.

Pretty sure I’m not the dangerous one. :slight_smile:

Disagree on the removal of meters. I play mythic+ and whilst when I PuG (less than 10%) I will sometimes encounter toxicity, I never do when running with my comm. I don’t see why we should be punished and prevented from our preferred plus type because someone can’t behave elsewhere. That’s a regressive mindset.

You go after the stuff that brings nothing but negativity (the language, when it surfaces) not the thing it manifests in, that’s just a lazy solution.
Also, there’s no guarantee said people wouldn’t then just relocate to “whatever” content and begin being toxic there somehow.
You HAVE to go after the individuals that partake in the toxic activity. Going after game modes just will not work and results in uneeded collateral damage.
A good example of this is levelling dungeons. No dps meter quipping, no inspection but people will still be toxic if someone is too slow. What is the solution here? If it’s “punish the one being toxic” then why not just do that in the first lace rather than remove tools or game modes?

There is nothing wrong with the m+ system or RIO etc it is the behaviour that CAN come from it that is the problem. A truck ton of people use these things absolutely fine and punishing them is not on.

It’s along the lines of comprehending a littering problem in a park where the skateboard area is, and concluding closing the skateboard area will stop all littering therefore. You’re assuming those people won’t just go to the other areas and litter. Whereas if you simply sanction them as individuals directly and ban them, then you actually reduce the issue and send a clear message to anyone else thinking of doing it, whilst allowing the skate park to remain open for those who use it properly (which they will like)
Everyone wins with this approach, whereas your approach results in an awful lot of losers for no guarantee of a win. I wouldn’t put it past blizzard to consider it though because it’s cheap and easy.

I’m not sure about that. To me it seems like Ion genuinely believes that these systems somehow make the game better, even though he’s totally wrong about it.

These headline-generating changes (see also: removal of old Kael’thas VA, Garrosh insulting Sylvanas) are done solely for Twitter and the media. Ok, maybe not the Garrosh thing, that’s probably more because Danuser was FURIOUS that a fictional character dared insult his fictional waifu.

no time for jokes. I just smash things.

Well it does not really matter cause they’ve done worse and people still play their game. Remember when they were making apologies to China, for example?

It does not really bother me that we lost that emote since I don’t remember the last time I used it. In fact most of the time I forget it’s even an option.

The reason why they remove it is another story however, because I know it’s just another idiotic idea that Activision thinks it might make them look better, in the eyes of who, I don’t know.

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Pfff, of course you do. You are an Orc…


i can basically guarantee you that 99% of the usage of the /spit emote was being used by people to harras others, even based on asmongold basically started some kind of trend of using /spit to anyone that they see using a store mount. it also doesnt make any difference to most people if its in the game or not, people are just trying to find literally any little problem that they can manufacture to get annoyed with blizzard right now because they are angry at other things.

The alternative is that they do nothing in which case you’d be unhappy as well. No winning sometimes.

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No, the alternative is that they take action towards things that are ACTUALLY damaging to the game.

Surely you can still /spit, just not targeting another player, and as someone mentioned RP impact earlier, to be honest we already just tend to do our own /e anyway.

/Spit doesn’t bother me so much, it just makes the person using it just look like an utter pleb of a peasant.

Yes orc. Jokes are for times of peace.

In my honest opinion, spitting is one of the most disgusting bulling methods out there. Never understood why /spit was added at all. You can have a lot of rude emotes, but /spit is just disgusting for the simple reason that it’s also extremely gross.

The /spit emote has been up for discussion for more than a decade. I personally do not understand why you are offended by it being removed. Do you have a habit of spitting people in the face irl?


And I was thinking that burning other people hair was bad.

Far less common, and rightfully so. I think most people are actually aware that it you put someones hair on fire, it is quite likely you’ll kill them. Spitting was far more often deadly in the past, but luckily we have much better infection control these days.

A guy in town was put on fire by someone who didn’t like him. He lived, but the injuries has damaged him for life, and the guy who did it, claims he didn’t know it was that dangerous(??!). He just wanted to “scare him”, he said(?!).

As far as I am aware, we have a armistice right now between our sides.

Link pls, I’ve never seen any discussion on this, ever.

I’m offended by what it represents - taking away player agency for some nebulous concept of “protecting other players”. Same as the removal of master loot. Also I can guarantee that /kiss, /flirt, etc. is next on the chopping block, and while I personally don’t care about /spit, I definitely don’t want to see these others removed.

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you’re both lacking a little in that regard, it’s irrelevant and an overused trope at this point, sometimes people misread what others mean. Sometimes it’s intentional, in your case. It’s VERY much intentional because they are correct. You are an extremist ideologue. Your vernacular tells all in regards that.

Phyrric victory at best, you skipped dialogue and went straight to dialectic. Poor dialectic and really what is clear is, you wanted to go into a diatribe instead. Stereotypical leftist extremist.

Flip the subjects and targets. Would you find me saying something like “speaking out against homonormative views isn’t extremist” to be compelling in the least?. Homophobia is a mislabelling and poor definition as a phobia is a clinical definition. You’ve provided no evidence you are a clinician. You’re just spewing ideological slang. It’s entirely uncompelling and usually has the opposite effect of what you intend. Stating something is rooted in something, does not make it true. Burden of proof, regardless is firmly yours. Without said evidence your statements can be disregarded as nonsense.

Which group would that be? We’d have discovered this if you’d engaged in the dialogue part of human interaction instead of skipping it. Right now, you’re using vague allusions and in an accusatory manner. Thus, they shouldn’t really be bothering with your skeezy argumentative tactics and should have given up and told you to get lost long before this. But kudo’s to them for trying that long, admire their patience. Do not share it.

Why should they respect the “labels” you put on them? Who are you? Your argumentative skills are unimpressive and you seem totally self absorbed and ideologically driven. Did… did someone tell you that your views and opinions, had some sort of inherent value? Cos they really did you a disservice.

Contradiction is not argument.

And absolute abolition of sexism in every context even if done humorously is what marks you as an extremist and a dangerous on at that. Satire exists, those who would see it verboten do so for no good reason.

The fact you’re unaware of how dangerous you are, although I don’t think you’re as dangerous as you LIKE to think you are. Is what denotes you as a huge problem in terms of ideologues. It’s ok to not have a sense of humour, to inhibit other peoples right to have senses of humour that you disagree with however. Is what makes you evil. You will not be treated kindly when this whole movement you seem somewhat on board with ignites and the backlash really kicks up. I have literally zero sympathy for you, people with your views de-humanised yourselves to me LONG ago. Modern sophists, modern authoritarians. Sociopathic delusional ideologues that should be ignored by anyone with a minimum level intellect.

And you get to decide what that is do you? Only things Tahra thinks are damaging should be removed everybody!

I don’t think it’s the removal of the spit emote itself the problem but rather the context around it.

And as the OP said, who knows what else they’re going to target next.

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