Blizzard /spit in the eye of the playerbase

How many threads are on these forums referencing ‘the end of times from the evil SJW/liberals’ from this alone?

People did the same thing previously with basically any change which was quickly disproven.

Not what I’ve seen from your other posts.

Toxicity? Harassment?

You could also try to argue that words are in that case, written or spoken are not real and therefore harassment, doxxing, anything like that ‘isn’t real’ until it becomes a physical problem to deal with. Which is silly.

Dude, as an out-of-nowhere comment that’s pretty…psycho. :neutral_face:

You apparently also didn’t got the joke.

You tell me. I’ve seen 2 about the topic and in which I decided to post.

Then time will tell.

Selective memory disorder?

Why should I do that? Not up to me, is it?
I already adopt quite a liberal mindset, albeit with some borders. I’m not going to approve of someone who wants to identify as a lamppost, for instance. To me that’s just absurd.
But I have friends of all kinds of lineage, shapes, sizes, colors and sexual preferences. I have people in my life I refer to as ‘they’ and I myself am attracted to a person; what gender and/or sex that person might be, doesn’t matter to me. The person matters.
I am respectful with all manner of things. But I do draw lines.

So… Tell me again how you know me so well and what I do and do not do.

Yeah that is indeed silly. But there’s a huge difference to a bit of text created by devs themselves, describing an action your character takes or the cold, hard, possibly offensive words typed by people themselves - with a clear intention behind it, which may or may not be related to whatever is happening ingame. Those 2 things are not really comparable.

Seen at least 5 off the top of my head.

It will.

Not really, just your posts come off that way.

Well then, why is it up to Blizzard?

See and this is what I mean, you say stuff that’s clearly referencing transgender and making a transphobic joke just like ye olde apache attack helicopter.

Read above, and go back to quite a few of your prior posts on such subjects.

Kinda is, really. I dare you to type /spit in a work e-mail at someone higher up and see where it lands ya.

It’s not a joke. There’s troubled people out there who identify as stuff that’s clearly evidence of someone who’s not okay. Those people need help, not be ridiculed.

You are clueless. YOU go read back some of my prior posts on such subjects.
I know what I’ve said and I know what I stand for.

Get lost with your uninformed judgement.

This is about a game. A GAME.
Get. A. Clue.

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Feel free to provide evidence of you knowing anyone that identifies as a lampost in that case.

I did, thanks. I even pointed out a spot where it’s evidenced you’re not as ‘liberal’ as you state.

Yes, an emote in a video game you’re upset at being removed because apparently you should be able to spit at people and be generally toxic even though that’s against the game rules in the first place.

It was an example.
An example of something I would not accept as ‘normal’ or ‘healthy’.

Stop acting so clueless. Are you doing it on purpose?

I stated ‘I’m middle of the road’. Nothing else.
Again; more clueless judgement from someone who doesn’t know a thing about the person they’re judging.

People like you are very much part of the problem.
Acting all high and mighty about accepting EVERYONE… Except those who don’t completely agree with your views. Wow, how open and accepting.

I’m not upset. Which you would know if you had read and/or understood the posts I made.

I’m worried about the precedent it’s setting. I’m worried about freedoms being taken away because we live in a world where we can’t have even any opinions anymore if this continues.

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As next step they should completely remove PvP because some fragile soul would not have to bear the death of his character.
Only cosmetics from Night Fae (rainbow unicorns, wings, butterflies and faeries) will be allowed and all will be happy.

Then provide a real example and not a fake one you’re making up?

Which, I said you’re not really yes.

How could you know, going by your own logic you don’t know anything about me? You have no way to ascertain that I can or cannot do that.

and then you do this, disproving your own points and proving mine further.

Paradox of intolerance, go check up on it sometimes. I don’t have to accept hateful, or bigoted views to be ‘accepting’.

Imagine thinking your freedoms are being infringed from an online video game emote being removed. Honestly.

Why should I do that FOR AN EXAMPLE?!


And to which I said; you don’t know me. So stop judging me.

Yeah, I’m not judging you as a person. I’m judging YOUR ACTIONS. There’s a big difference.

And before you bring that argument; no YOU are not doing that. You have made conclusions based on a few posts. I’ve made numerous posts about similar subjects. And more often than not, I’m receptive to more inclusivity, less toxicity, etc.

But you refuse to believe me on my word and judge me based on maybe 3% of what I’ve said about similar subjects.

Do what exactly? Tell you, that what you are doing is wrong?
You’re telling me that judging people without proper information, research or knowledge is okay? Really?

I know what it is.
My opinions aren’t any of that. :man_shrugging:t4:

Imagine judging people on how they live their lives based on a few posts made on a game forum. Honestly.

From my point of view it’s perfectly understandable. At this point Blizzard is desperate and will do anything that even remotely looks like they’re battling discrimination and prejudice. So they reach for the easiest thing to do, which is enough to generate headlines that will make it look like they’re doing something.

Everyone that follows anything else than Kotaku, Polygon and media outlets that write clickbait titles knows that WoW is a sinking ship. Not even sinking, it’s already sunk. In a desperate attempt to milk what’s left of WoW they’ll keep stuffing micotransactions down people’s throat, while slowly decreasing development intensity on new content. Even if new content comes out it will just be a template of something already created.

Because giving a real example to your problem is better than a made up one that doesn’t exist?

Sorry, not how interacting with people works. You’re free to not interact with people if you dislike that.

Like I did with you, yes.

Yes I am? From your actions and post history.

Like you’ve made a conclusion about my ‘actions’ based on a few posts?

Like you refuse to believe me on my word on what I’ve seen of your posts? see your own logic and arguments fall flat because even you don’t follow them when interacting with other people.

So far from what I’ve seen that’s not the case.

I mean, you already did that in the first place.

No. An example is an example.
It’s there to illustrate a point. Nothing more.
Btw; ‘a real example to your problem’? Whut?
I have no problem, so I’m not sure what you’re implying here.

Oh you, the person judging others with no knowledge whatsoever, plays the ‘interacting with people’ card? Really?! You just keep digging that hole, my friend. By all means.

I pre-emptively already addressed that. No you didn’t.
You based your judgement on what… 3, maybe 4 posts I made. Probably recently too?
Instead of the many more posts I made in the past. Which I told you of. Yet you refuse to take into account.

Yeah no. You’re really not.

Yeah because you LITERALLY are doing what I’m saying you’re doing. Literally. Factually.
Not speculative. Not hypothetically. No. Factually.
The proof is right here in our previous responses to each other.

Because I KNOW what I’ve posted. And more than 90% of my past posts about similar subjects are VERY different. But this is, to me at least, a very different issue.

I don’t ‘refuse’ to believe you; I don’t believe you. Full stop.

Then you either don’t ‘understand many things’ or you’re trolling.
Must be. Because the truth is out there. Clear as day.

Nope (see above).

I just don’t see the point its a game, they might as well also remove / taunt, / rofl, / lol/, /mock…i can keep going theres also toys which are “BM” too

So your example has no basis on reality, and was never a real problem or worry. Good to know.

Yes, people will judge you based upon things you say and the things you do. Which, is why I say not judging people(Which you did to me then told me not to do to you btw) doesn’t really work.

More towards hundreds I’ve seen that were posted on this subject, which of course isn’t the bulk of your posts but the general bulk of your posts on said subjects.

I did, actually.

and the proof of your views is right there in text form on these very forums and therefore my own words are true in regards to you, yes.

and I know what you’ve posted as well.

Clearly not in regards to political leanings and which way you go.

Nah, pretty sure you’re the one doing that.


If you think that the removal of the /spit emote is spitting in the faces of players then you’re missing out on the many years of adding in BS systems despite player complaints and ignoring pretty much most feedback from the players.

It’s clear from interviews when Ion can only reply with answers that start with “we felt that” that they’re not really looking to collaborate with the player base to make the game better.

Toxic players will continue to be toxic, they’ll just find ways around things like filters and removal of emotes that are used in poor taste.

I’m not going to respond to this anymore. You’re clueless. Or acting like it.
Either way, I’m done wasting my time of you.

For the Nth time… YOU are judging ME based on a SMALL SAMPLE SIZE of the statements/opinions I have shared about such topics on these forums.
THAT is my problem with what you’re doing.

Because if you had seen, read and/or understand more of what I’ve said in the past, you’d understand I am much more nuanced.

But you insist on telling me that you apparently think you know me better than I know myself. Through a few posts.

I don’t believe you.
Care to share with me what my opinions are then on said subject?
I’m really curious for your take on that.

I’ll leave the rest of the replies. All about the same thing anyway.
Now please… Oh wise person you… Tell me all about my opinions which I clearly have no clue of myself… Enlighten me.

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Really not, but thanks for admitting defeat… and then going back on your word with a continued post. :3

Going off of what you said and what you’ve done, yes. That’s what we judge people off of? You did the same to me in the first place.

Okay! Glad you asked.

You say your views are more ‘in the middle’ but then you post more stuff that actually is against LGBTQ+ stuff quite frequently and without ANY understanding of it while spouting heteronormative views.

Calling them fanatics, even. Can we please have non-binary gender option? - #865 by Tahra-earthen-ring

Yeah, this Pelagos is a problem - #231 by Tahra-earthen-ring here too.

Give back old character models and animations in some form - #92 by Tahra-earthen-ring intentional misgendering

We need more female gamers - #204 by Tahra-earthen-ring saying guilds excluding those of some nationality or gender is not racist or sexist.

Thanks for Wrathion! - #45 by Tahra-earthen-ring you talk about there being some sort of ‘agenda’ when things are put into the game that are not heteronormative.

Have fun

Automatic PvP flagging is unacceptable! - #554 by Tahra-earthen-ring more really bad comparisons.

Give back old character models and animations in some form - #97 by Tahra-earthen-ring Sexism too

Give back old character models and animations in some form - #102 by Tahra-earthen-ring right here you actually make a sexual assault reference of ‘you know you like it’.

Give back old character models and animations in some form - #75 by Tahra-earthen-ring intentional misgenders, again.

Give back old character models and animations in some form - #84 by Tahra-earthen-ring again

Give back old character models and animations in some form - #88 by Tahra-earthen-ring and again

Could probably go back to find more ones I remember examples of, but for now that’s all the time I have. So yeah, I know what I’m talking about in regards to your views on the subject.

‘This’. Your reading comprehension skills are severely lacking, it seems.
I’m not responding to ‘the example’ debate anymore.

Ps; not defeat. just tired of clueless responses from you. It’s a waste of time.

Blatant lie.
So we starting a ‘you did it first’ argument now?

Quite frequently huh?
Care to give me examples when I did that?
I’d really like to know.

Ahhhhhh it’s YOU who has the ‘phobia’. Check.
Extremist views. Check.

Because that’s what some people are.
Whether you don’t like to hear that truth or not. Both sides of that issue have fanatics. And both are equally as wrong in my eyes.

Btw, you say ‘the fanatic’ thing, but in those posts there’s clearly a will to accept, understand and support people. You ignoring all of that and focussing one one tiny bit in there, that’s exactly what I accused you of.

That was just poking, as much as Deastra was. And we’re okay with each other since, I think. At least I am. That had nothing to with actual gender and more with sensivity. Not that it was okay, I admit that.

And I stand by that.

No I’m not. You’re misinterpreting that.

Which have nothing to do with that subject. So not relevant to this discussion.

Neh, just more poking. Daestra and I like to poke each other now and then, I guess?
Ps; that hasn’t happened in a long time.

It was a reponse to a WAY OVER THE TOP reaction that I got for something quite innocent (hence me giving a way over the top kind of response; I believe in ‘eye for an eye’).

Also; not about this topic either. So you’re just linking this for what reason?

Most from the same thread.
Most of those reponses not about the actual topic we were addressing.

There’s many more threads out there, about that ACTUAL topic, where I’m being supportive and understanding.
But of course you wouldn’t link those, oh no.

Anyway, to get serious for a moment:

You clearly have an agenda. You ARE an extremist.
I will put you on ignore and never speak to you again, because people like yourself are dangerous.
