Blizzard Starting to Send Out Bans to Multiboxers Using Input Broadcasting

There still is the hardware solution which is not banned - and I still don’t know how Blizz not banning that and the assumption that they want to ban multiboxing fit together, but maybe someone might enlighten me.

There isn’t a hardware solution. Blizzard banned all software that simulates keystrokes to multiple clients. Your mouse, your keyboard… they use software to do this type of thing, not hardware (Logitech Gaming Software, ROCCAT Swarm, etc.).

We want them to leave, with their money. Do you honestly find that so difficult to believe?

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Yeah, and the earth is flat and the whole universe revolves around it.

What the hella re you talking about? Shadowlands is the MOST PRE-ORDERED EXPANSION EVER and recently Blizzard has announced RECORD BREAKING PROFITS FOR Q3.
The reason they closed offices has NOTHING to do with money. They closed them because they simply do not need them. Blizzard has been slowly shutting down customer service centres over the years. They have been automating everything.
You are literally spamming false information.

NOBODY WANTS MULTIBOXERS AND NOBODY CARES IF THE GOLD TOKEN GOES UP IN PRICE BECAUSE OF THEM. I assume you cannot afford the token so now you’re crying it’s going to cost more gold. Cry more dude.

Well, if you know of a way to rewire keyboards together on an electrical level that somehow allows them to copy the keystrokes from the one you pressed and then have each keyboard somehow send that command to diffferent instances of the game without using some type of software, I’m sure the multiboxers would like to know about it. You go show them how it’s done, mastermind.

It’s as simple as having several PCs running the game and using one Mouse and Keyboard to control them all.

And that ain’t a new idea, afaik that’s how multiboxing was originally done.

But then they are using Windows to send a single command to multiple clients at the same time. Windows is software.

They? There was a few bad apples making multiboxing look bad. Botters and gold farmes used Multibox software with botting software to ruin the AH to farm millions of gold. Generally most multiboxers just played for fun but of cause when has Blizzard ever had any clue on how to fix things right in this game. Instead of addressing botters and gold farmers they took away the tools of Multiboxers throwing the baby out with the bath water and sink!

What clueless Blizzard should have done is detect if players were actually playing or using botting software. They could also have rather than ban Multiboxing altogether instead have just limited the amount of characters you can multibot with to 5 etc.

Unfortunately multiboxing is now just another casualty of mob stupidity brought to you by the QQ brigade who made sure over the years we lost twinks, premades, our elaborate talent system in earlier expansions and ruined PvP during BFA and at last now they have added Multiboxing to their list.

All these bans and restrictions makes WOW a duller game. I started multiboxing in BFA cause I was frankly bored with the content. I did not farm for gold or pester other players. I simply enjoyed 5 Demon Hunters EyE Beam a target to death or 5 BM Hunters running around with 10 Loq pets or my Demo Locks with 5 Felguards with Armageddon Swords! I already cancelled my Shadowlands and I am looking for another game as this game is becoming a bore.

The QQers can have it!

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I’m aware that not all multiboxers exploited the hell out of it. But like all things that get nerfed in the game, the ones that took it too far ruined it for everyone.

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None of those PCs sends any command to more than one instance of the game.

The multiplication of commands is done by hardware, not software, so it’s well within the rules that Blizzards set well knowing about this possibility.

I dunno man. When Blizzard checks for this type of thing they’ll just check if each character was doing the exact same thing at the exact same time. I don’t think it says from a single PC anywhere in the ToS or from a single piece of software.

Anyway, multiple instances of Windows IS sending a single keystroke to multiple game clients. Windows is software. Someone doing that is using software to send keystrokes to multiple clients.

I don’t rate someone’s chances of convincing Blizzard it should be allowed.

So, people who were using a method to play the game which is against the TOS and who were warned but decided to ignore the warning deserve your sympathy??

Can I have some gold? I’m a far better alley for that sympathy after all

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You dont even need hardware boxing afaik you can run WoW in small windows and do moonkin afk farming that way with only your mouse, so technically afk but that is semantics… Definitely a grey area and I hope is also going to lead to bans.

That’s their primary way of seeing if someone uses software they don’t allow.

And they explicitly banned software that mirrors one keystroke to several game clients. The hardware solution does not use software that does that.

And yes, you have several instances of the OS each sending one command per keystroke to one game client, so none of them broadcasts the input to several game clients.

With the current state of the ToS, they have no ground to ban someone using a hardware solution.

Yeah, but the hardware solution allows keystroke broadcasting within the rules.

And nope, manually playing several game clients on one PC is not grey area, it’s totally within the rules.

it is a shame that not more people realize this

Good riddance ! Long overdue

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French office has forums mods. Has no impact on my game. Sorry again I don’t care.

what money ? XD
these douchebags pay with ingame tokens for BN goods

exploiting game and ruin normal players game experience

pvpers getting killed by multiboxer
get targeted by 8 druids and insta-die

material farmers cant pick up material cause of multiboxers mats dissapear

you are that delusional ?

anyways, good they got rekt.
ain`t gonna cry bout them douchebags,
just /spit

That’s not everyone.

I multiboxed through WoD and mostly through Legion. Never once did I pay with tokens, I haven’t done that till this day. And never once did I pvp in any form with my mbox group (only solo queueing for battlegrounds with my main).

What I did, was leveling them as a group, then did the harder rares, ran dungeons, and hardest mode of previous expansion’s raid. And WQs to gear them up. That’s all.

And I barely use the AH to sell stuff, multibox or not. I didn’t mbox to farm to get rich, the closest I was to doing that, was doing world quests in Legion, where some mob gave hundreds of gold. That was easy gold that has not harmed anyone, since it’s still stored in my personal guild bank.

So /spit as much as you want, not every mboxer have affected you in any way.