Blizzard, stop letting e-sports influence (lack of) tuning

Really self-explanatory title. It’s tiring when the game balance is in such a poor state and players are quitting left right and centre because of it, and the general rhetoric then being ‘they can’t do anything, AWC is on…MDI is on…TGP is on…have to wait until that’s over’.

Why do they? Esports players play on the tournament realms, so it’s really simple, freeze the tuning on the tournament realms after X date and then improve the tuning on the live servers. The quality of life and the satisfaction of players is being harmed because of 0.00001% of the player base when it doesn’t need to be.


We’ll get balancing next patch.



100% agree on the balancing part.

Before that, we had more frequent balancings.

The next patch is alway making a difference, isn’t it? :upside_down_face:

Give me expansion and specific example when i want to know :smiley:

its the tuneing lvling pvp classes not reworked IN A GOOD STATE :wink:

also the joke in m+

Just wait for delves+. We all know it’s coming.

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I recall back in Cataclysm days, back when Totalbiscuit (Hallowed be his name) was covering the game, he’d frequently make mention of class balances, be it nerfs, buffs, changes, what have you.

Can’t recall any specific example though… Paladin nerfs happening frequently?

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If that balancing is like season 1 then rest in peace to us

they given up on S1.

they dont care about m+ - they only care about raids.

its best visible with their restruction of in raid renown rewards and 0 effort liek this made for m+

if you are not a raider - you are 2nd rate citizen in their eyes.

wheel chair players.

I miss that guy. He was great.

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paladin nerfs is due to blizzard can’t

make every other class any better design.



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