Blizzard support = trash

Blizzard dont care about their costumers, i tried to talk to support and the only thing they do when they dont want to answer someone is to close the chat instead of listening what you have to say. It shows how ***** greedy this company is. They blame the queue problems on the costumers and they dont care about the problem


Why even contact support when we getting blue posts about it. Tbh if i were that person i would just redirect you to the blue post about war games testing.

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There is so much to blame activision for but tbh, the customer support is probably still one of the best. (for wow)

You problem is probably filtered right ahead because it states, what they trying to tackle backdoor anyway right now. They could just copy and paste what’s to read on the boards anyways.

Almost all of their support is automated nowdays.

It’s really sad to see that as back then (15 years ago) they had some of the best support ever. You could actually see that support team/GMs cared to fix your issue (if it was fixable), while now it’s just automatic crappy responses you get and you usually get them with insane delay.

It’s not just Blizzard though, pretty much all big companies have derailed their support levels in the last 10± years.

Sad thing though is that Blizzard has still one of the best support when compared to some other companies. That says enough how bad support in general is. :smiley:


its still best support. The issue is that actiblizz fired everyone so there’s not much people left in the GM team

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Totally agree. Moreover I found out, that the only way to start the dialogue is just asking the same question 2 or 3 times.

For example.
In one week, three topics with videos appeared on the Russian-language WoW forum, where an Alliance rogue defeats low-level Horde players. This player boasted that he was destroying the Horde and trolled other players, but his topics are still not blocked.

When one of the Horde players created a response topic with a video clip where he defeats players above his level, this topic was banned for spam.

Then I decided to create a topic myself, where I asked about the reasons for this behavior (report system abuse). Guess what? I was also banned for spam. And the funny thing is that this was my FIRST theme for all the time that I play WoW.

And I spent a whole WEEK and wrote on Reddit to prove my innocence. That is insane! I cannot understand people saying blizzard support is still the best or even good. It is not true.


I remember opening a ticket for something years ago back in BC then when it got answered I was in a WSG. a blue robed male troll GM appeared and was chatting to me and emoting random people and I distinctly remember him waving at the spirit healer. when he was done, he said goodbye and ran off up into the sky. I watched him until he was so small and then disappeared.
I felt the love.

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Guys, it is almost impossible to open a ticket where GM will be involved. To be honest, I’ve tried to open a case or two for different issues, God Bless but I was not able to find how to open a f**** ticket and all I got is redirected to “blue pages” but it did not solve my issue/s. Opening a ticket with Blizz 10x harder than before.

Blame ally , not bliz

Customers not costumers, one uses a company and the other makes costumes.

I find it funny when people post this stuff as we only get half the info, no doubt you just kept asking the same thing over and over and they said they could not help over and over. I would actually like to know what you were asking for help about.

It was no doubt something they cannot help with, there is always a “not listed here” option to use.

Yeah, they used to be great… popping up in-game, spawning mobs and doing crazy stuff.
I bet nowadays GM island is covered with dust and cobwebs.

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