Blizzard, the 441 Curio did not exist in S3

Hello Blizzard,

Stating that the replacement cache is not possible for those of us who received the Curio is a weird statement.

The Flame-warped Curio is an item that existed in S3 on Fyrakk and started at iLVL 450 for LFR.

You gave us the 441 version, which did not exist back then. If you are stubborn to the point that you won’t reward players a replacement cache for those who got an unsuable Curio, says quite a lot.

Can you please officially state if you will or not replace the Curio?
I did 5 time-walking dungeons and got an unusable reward. To top that, we can add all the other bugs. But if you really don’t care about your IP anymore, I guess I don’t either.

Been there since TBC, really wonder why I should continue paying my sub here… Not for that specific issue but that trend of just not caring anymore, I ain’t no cow so stop try to milk me.

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If you did not receive a replacement cache, then unfortunately it was not possible to resolve the issue in your case.
This is the answer i got to probably my second ticket ever. Been playing for a long time.
Even if its not much, its gear that i will replace next week probably its still annoying.