Blizzard turning criminal?

I got wrongfully banned 2 days ago for economy abuse, and the only response I got is an automated copypasta, both their ban system and support are a joke. I know i’ll have to wait for a LONG time to have a human response.

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they should get rid of gold trading entirely.
leave the AH as it is but disallow player to player trading/mailing of gold except on same account.
this would kill gold buying and get rid of bots instantly.

The problem mate, is that they are banning people who havent done anything wrong. +They have this automated bot system and coding, that just removes any good customer support. Blizzard is a total whack show now. Its embarassing. As soon as a new MMORPG with good systems are released, it will kill WoW and blizzards income. 100%.


The consumer laws, and Blizzard’s EULA are two different things.

And in this case, Blizzard made a big mistake.

Sending gold(game currency) to another player is completely allowed action.

Blizzard have full logs about what happened in a game for sure, answer and solution is there.

Lol. Its not how it works but i rly cant be bothered explaining it. So please do go to amercia and sue blizz. I will laugh when u waste ur money to have a judge ask you if ur stupid.

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Thats why the right to appeal exists.

You think if the police holds up ur car and does a search under suspicion the police force re imburse the time they took out of ur day when proven innocent?

What about airports?.

No lol.

Now if that rly happened sure, the system needs work. But the quantity of people who screech false ban to then find out it was absolutely justified is unreal.

People spent weeks trying to discuss a backdoor to gkdp under some 500 iq idea that if they word it differently its “not gkdp”. It wouldnt suprise me if people acted on it.

Why do all these “Im innocent I swear” threads sound like bullsh!t from miles away.

Ur gonna sue Blizzard my boot. Have fun, if threats like these give you some kind of feeling of controll.
Fact is they play the flute and you beg to dance, thats why ur still here instead of showing yourself some respect and quit. You still would bend over to log back in no matter what Daddy Blizz does to ya.

Come on bro… Don’t try to change the subject.

Literally there was nothing wrong in their actions in the game.

And now you said that if this is true, then system needs to be fixed. EXACTLY!!!

Yeah they sound bullsh!t but they are not all bullsh!t.

Nothing wrong in their stated actions. We dont know their actions. In my time of playing WoW false ban waves hsve been a proclsimed thing a 1000 times over. Yet im yet to meet a player, know a player. Have s guildie, or myself ever fall pray to one.

People will attempt to re-word actions to make themselves look innocent.

99% of these claims have always been BS. Lol. Theres in almost every case something vital missed out ur telling me the masses of bots missed daily transfering large amounts of gold, aint flagging a ban a 2g trade is causing?.

That is BS because it doesnt make sense. And things that dont make sense are in almost every situation untrue.

People spend their time continously ttying to be 500 IQ, and then screeching when it gets caught.