Blizzard wake up DH is actually ultrabad

Blizzard please focus a little on DH, you are totaly ignoring us from the begining of this expansion, actually we are useless in PVE and PVP too…

DH are taken to raid only cuz we have chaotic brand, but our dmg is actually ±15 - 20% under every other class, we have 2-3x more buttons and mechanics then most of others like paladin, war or something else what is actually OP as hell without any skill or equip.

As M+ we are maybe in middle and actually we are in B-, its fine to focus and boosting paladins or shamans which not need any skill just only random pulling buttons but thats definetly not ok…

And finally PVP, DH in PVP is absolutly unplayable, we have ultra long utilities and ccs, we cant compare to class like wars, palading or mages which have big dmg, nice utilities and they can use they deff abilities in stund, we cant use netherwalk in stun thats piece of cake…

so please blizzard if you really hate DHs so much then delete us but actually we are absolutly unplayable

Today our raid wipes on silk court at about 100m HP left.

We had 2 DH up.

They killed it…

Edit: actually it might have been 2 DKs

At least blur and darkness should be useable while stunned, Im so tired to be killed by rogue in one cheap shot…

And when I full stun 7 seconds into rogue I only get about 40-50% of his hp at best with full burst, and 15-20% without burst.

In solo shuffle Im always deal less dmg than any spec.

Also, spectral sight is bugged and talent “lost in darkness” do not work at all, it only shows the glow of spectral sight for 6 sec, but you dont see stealthed targets after taking damage.

Even the new icons for DH they made are tasteless and horrible.

Im so done with this game, and as a last joke they buff auto attacks and immo aura by 20% like its gonna change anything…

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