Every single time we see the tuning going on it’s 15-20% buff/nerf on a skill damage output when you can do it in different ways. For example I play Dota 2 as well and there are changes like:
-mana cost
-range of a spell
-range of aoe
-cast time nerf/buff
-projectile speed/nerf
-cd of a spell
-duration change
I’m pretty sure you can adjust a lot of things this way without gutting the spec or making it godlike. Why it’s not the case in WoW? Good example - Feral while being top tier spec already got 3 different buffs on top. It’s absolutely godlike at the moment and I expect some nerfs soon. I’m afraid spec will get killed in PvP soon.
Same thing about BM Hunter. It’s damage is currently overtuned. Blizzard buffed it’s defence with expansion release to gut it again. Instead they could nerf the range of BM spells in PvP since it’s not casting it would be fair that it comes closer in range to deal damage for example. We all know what’s going to happen - it will be constant buffs and nerfs because spec sucks in PvE while it’s godlike in PvP because every spell deals instant damage.
In addition to your examples, they also sometimes nerf the damage scaling or flat damage of spells in Dota, but Dota doesn’t have talent trees the way WoW does, it doesn’t have gearing the way WoW does etc.
These are all factors that make class balancing more dynamic in WoW(because every patch all specs get new tier sets which aren’t all completely equally balanced, some classes might scale better than others throughout an expansion, Blizz might decide to make some playstyle changes via talents etc.), whereas balance doesn’t really change in Dota unless they decide to change a spell or an item
Are they though? Both deal damage, have aoe range, cast range, animation time (instead of cast time) and projectiles. They aren’t that different from design perspective.
Also I’d agree about sets if we spoke about DF season 3 sets but current season ones? Blizzard said that they are going to create sets that don’t change your playstyle just buff certain spells so you are not forced to play certain talents. Still I believe you can tune spells differently. Good example is BM Hunter that goes through the same buff/nerf process every expansion. If the spec is based on dealing instant damage from range maybe nerf the range so it’s easier to connect to Hunter instead of endlessly buffing and then nerfing it every 2 weeks.
Few yards on cast range or aoe range are huge and can force different positioning etc. While they not necessarily affect the PvE performance.
Argument that “this is a different game” can be said about everything. You can even say that FFXIV is a different game as it is but the premis of design and tuning is the same for the spells. The way you aim them and if you can empower them with items or talents doesn’t matter. They play the same role.
How is that gonna work in practice? Because it is not uncommon that some classes play different builds in PvE vs PvP. This is the case for My spec atm, Subtlety, for example.
DF season 1 tier set bonuses were also very underwhelming. They said they do this on purpose, as they don’t want tier sets to be too impactful going into a new expansion, where there already a lot of other changes.
This is one example of how balancing in WoW is more dynamic
I completely disagree with this. Comparing an MMO to another MMO in terms of the way they balance the game is completely reasonable. Comparing a game of a whole other genre, is not the same thing at all. By that logic, we might as well compare the WoW is balanced to the way Counter-Strike is. That is of course an exaggerated example, but my point is that it’s just wrong to pretend that games of two completely different genres aren’t fundamentally different and should be balanced as such. There might be some overlap in how you’re able to balance, but you cannot approach it 1 -1
also dota/lol is easier to balance, classes have less spells, and even they are doing bandaid fixes, if a champ is out to date, utility wise, they buff the ap/sp coefficient by an high amount
wow just have 5 main problems currently
Button bloat [For no reason]
too many passive Slows/ Slows in general
too many micro Roots
too many Micro meaningless CC
-some Specs are too Tanky, defensive cd need´s a cd increase
they could fix these Problems so easily, but i doubt they will it, because they are happy how m+ is, even when 50% less people are playing M+ compared to bfa/sl
Devs inhale a high amount of Copium, if they think the current state in pve and pvp is good when it comes to class designe, it´s awful
No, there isn’t a stat that buffs your spell damage. There is % item like Veil of Discord or Shiva’s Guard but nothing else.
Then you’d be surprised as it was his argument when he was selling rights to Dota to Valve. That’s why Blizzard Dota never happened because they didn’t agree. Not only IceFrog is the only person responsible for balancing decisions but he is also anonnymous. There are coders who implement the changes but there is only one person who does the balance changes for around 15 years even in Dota 1 on Warcraft 3 days when Guinsoo left to Riot.
Because it would feel awful in practive and players would hate it.
In WoW, we have some standardized spell ranges: 15 yards, 25 yards, 40 yards (did I miss any?) and if you for example play a caster, and all your spells are on different ranges, you’d kinda have to stay at the range of your shortest range spell at all times, to be able to execute your rotation. It wouldn’t feel good at all
It would work for evokers, because they’re designed the way they are - but for any regular caster, players would rage
So what? Get used to it and adjust. Many spells changed over the years. Correct me if I’m wrong but Shadow Step was 40 yeards for a moment in SL but it isn’t now and you still do well fellow Rogues.