Blizzard what s with this endless queue for BG?

I m in queue for
2 h for AV (daily) is that good now ? Blizzard
45 mins AB
55 mins for WSG

Thank you for playing

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Try Aliance we got quite fast que timers in classic


1: You chose the wrong faction if quick bg queues was what you wanted
2: Most people are probably doing their last preparations for entering the portals in a few hours, and not doing BG’s
3: This is a player made problem, and not one by blizzard, more horde is interessted in PvP than alliance.

ppl roll horde to dominate - you deserve a little setback :stuck_out_tongue:

alliance insta Q


It’s entirely a problem by Blizzard though. The reason more Horde are interested in PvP is because Blizzard gave them generally better PvP racials, so PvP-oriented players will gravitate to that side of the fence. It’s not player made in any way, it’s entirely governed by Blizzard’s design.

For example of the same problem, but inverted, Alliance were the better faction for PvE in Vanilla, so all PvE servers (bar the Horde-named Mankrik server on US) are all heavily Alliance skewed.

so if i understand you correctly you want alliance racials buffed or horde nerfed?

I want neither because, because changing them alters them from their historically-TBC state. I’m just highlighting that it’s not the players who are at fault for the imbalance but Blizzard’s decisions from 15 years ago.

Blizzard has quite clearly shown they don’t care too much about Classic’s historical accuracy though.

Of course its a played made problem.

Blizzard did not design this game for a perfect balance, it was designed as a role playing game. That players feel that they need to pick the strongest race is 100% a player made thing.
The differences between the two factions are so small that people go to one faction purely based on racials is quite hilarious.

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And what Blizzard supposed to do?
Go and complain to Alliance about it.

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