Blizzard : When are you making Demonology Lock competitive again?

At this point it feels more like all the “extra” stuff is getting the attention instead of the base kits of every class and specc.

The extra stuff being temporary systems that are either not transferred between expansions (legion artifacts, legiondaries, Heart of Azeroth, essence traits, azerite traits, wq talent tree, visions talent tree.)

Also, considering that they now have quite clearly stated that they are going to focus on the class instead of the specc, it has become blatently obvious that the design direction doesn’t take into account how a specc “feels”. It has now become: “How can we make each class double down on their supposed strength?” This completely neglects any clunkiness the speccs are dealing with, and only adds to it.

The biggest offender of the above is, for demonology, the combination of a long setup time with a large penalty for failing said setup. Even the other offered “playstyles” do not allow us to work around this problem. Nether Portal has this problem, Demonic Consumption doesn’t help either, and Sacrificed Souls doubles down on the “you better set this up perfectly”-mentality by forcing you to get as many demons out AND keep casting as much as possible for 15+ seconds afterwards.

Demonic fury would help us a lot by providing a large resource pool. This would greatly improve our planning capabilities without hindering us in any way. But alas, blizzard considers this “too difficult for the players”. Even though they basically gave spriests demonic fury in the form of insanity, and having druids deal with 4 different forms of resources in total…

So yea, count me cynical at this point.


Wouldn’t say class balance is that broken, most of the issues aren’t anything to do with balance realistically.

I mean, it’s really normal for some speccs to not work in pvp, and that issue has existed longer then the boost has.

I mean it was quite normal for some speccs to not work In pve also. This has always been the case. Most classes see 1 or maybe 2 competitive speccs.

I wouldn’t rly say it’s any worse then when the boost didn’t exist, it’s just simply making every specc in the game work in both pve and pvp is impossible.

That’s why when you read/listen to anyone discussing what to main the advice given is “choose a class you like all the speccs to” because the game will expect you to swap speccs to remain competitive.

P.S this isn’t a defence to not buff classes to try and shift that balance, it’s merely saying I don’t think boost sales or anything is behind this. They don’t aim to have a broken game it’s just simply always existed and is one of the negative points to speccs existing,

Demo’s fine. It’s not OP, nor underpowered. It’s just good
at doing pure boss damage, without padding.

go destro problem solved

Players won’t accept that sadly, we as a player base have become more demanding :stuck_out_tongue:

I mean it’s always the case of simply playing the strongest specc. It’s always been that way but people like to pretend we once had more freedom in this xD

It’s never really existed tho, but yeah choosing a class and not a specc generally fixs the situation

Accept what? Like mages got all 3 specs that work in PvP?


Rogue and mage have never been below god tier class… there are clearly not the standart.
This is why i find their whole whining on DH for example, really laughable…

Destro is boring as hell. Like every specc.

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