Blizzard why insist on having cross-realm BGs?

Government also calls it capitalism while subsidies are a thing.

Only because it gets called this way does not mean its is really that. Also how a word can get used for other things.

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You should apply as spin-doctor in politics. :smile:

Im not that correpted, yet.

But who knows, it may be the best retirement plan.

Never had this size of a matchmaking pool in vanilla though. Both the realm population caps & the battlegroups themselves were significantly smaller than what we have now.

Just sayin’.


On Bloodlust im not to sure, even in late vanilla. But I dont play classic so i only have vanilla and cant compare it to the current size for my view.

I am sure.


Well it was Bloodlust (Blutdurst) in german.

Im in a hassle time wise now and need to go and didnt find the Number for Classic currently, only the old battle grps on a first glance.

So cant do a comparison now. But you maybe enlighten me as i come back.

Pretty sure this answers what you’re looking for, in terms of comparison:

Let me know when you find a battlegroup from back then that matches the overall size of the matchmaking pool as it is now. (You won’t find one.)


Are you for real?
He’s not saying they aren’t an organized group of people, he’s saying they are queueing at the same time and therefore technically not a premade, so there’s no way for the game to tell the difference and match them with other “premades”.

They gather in specific / allocated discord channels with ~40 specific ppl to build certain setups, that is pre-made / premade enough per definitionem.

Holy sheet, what point are you even trying to make?

That you and your fellow trolls are lying / being hypocritical about the nature and makeup of those groups (i.e. premades), for whatever reason lol.

Which is by the way an european player exclusive thing, in the us forums the alliance has the guts to be honest about this. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

No I’m not, and neither was he. You’ve managed to completely miss the whole point of the discussion.
Hear me out again: yes, premades exist. Literally nobody is arguing otherwise. But no, the game can’t tell a premade from a pug, because they are queueing individually, so what OP suggested (matching premades with premades) would be either impossible or very unreliable.

Actually many are arguing against it in previous threads, with some very lame sophistry.

^ this part is actually possible to handle from a systems PoV. It’s just that they haven’t properly dealt with it, nor even acknowledged it is a thing yet.

Blizzard have actually never acknowledged premades surpassing their artificial limitations on premades to have ever been a thing.

Ok, then I misread you and you alone. Look in the other threads regarding AV premades - every single alliance poster / player trolls or argues about this by denying it.

I don’t really think anyone denies that its possible to play as an organized group, especially for the Alliance. That would indeed be silly.
More likely is that people argue there’s no problem with premades because they technically aren’t such, and the only reason its possible to do that is being the outnumbered faction. And that’s something I agree with, but this thread is on another topic.

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*pre-organized group

Being in the same BG doesn’t make a group organized, so it’s the same thing really.

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On the contrary, they constantly and very aggressively claim that there is no such thing as premades. Look it up in the countless threads.

Well, maybe. I don’t know why they would do that, there’s nothing wrong with premades.

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