Blizzard why insist on having cross-realm BGs?

*pre-organized group

Being in the same BG doesn’t make a group organized, so it’s the same thing really.

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On the contrary, they constantly and very aggressively claim that there is no such thing as premades. Look it up in the countless threads.

Well, maybe. I don’t know why they would do that, there’s nothing wrong with premades.

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Vanilla had Battlegroups cross-realm

At the end. And even that system wasn’t like now. Battlegroups were a thing then, they aren’t a thing now.

Is all you need to know about that.

But of course, you don’t listen to reason, so this will just seem like foreign symbols to you, amiright?

No - Vanilla has cross-realm battlegroups

Classic has cross-realm battlegroups

The exception is - for whatever reason - the poor old Russians - who get their own easygroup queue

That it’s one big battlegroup is because you all whinged so much about faction balance

So Blizz have you what you asked for

I predicted this - you should have seen it coming

No, there is one battlegroup. All of the servers vs. each other.

They just put in a limitation on the Russian realms to only be enemies, but they’re still possible to face thus making them a part of the battlegroup in a haphazard kind of way.

It’s a battlegroup - why argue black is white?

You do have a bad habit of picking arguments you can’t actually win - is it an illness?

Technically speaking, it isn’t a battlegroup when there is only one.

Battlegroups were what they gave names to and had realms split up between.

it’s nothing like now.

Called it.

Quoting and answering yourself - is this a new way to win a debate

You do make me laugh

You are incorrect - why not bow out before you get more embarrassed

Except this is retail’s matchmaking system copypasted onto Classic, and in retail’s history they even declared the “end of battlegroups” when they removed them to enable this “all vs. all” matchmaking pool, thus by definition this isn’t a battlegroup. By Blizzard’s own words.

You’re the only fool here, my dear incompetent friend.

It isn’t anything close to the Retail system

You were one of the biggest noises complaining about balance of factions

I told you before the launch of AV Blizz would end up throwing PvE and PvP into one gig pot and you wrote 500 words on why it would not happen

Here it is - you got what you asked for

It’s a battlegroup - one big one

I see no issue with it anyway - it’s a PvE event

… what? Never did. What I did was go through the ways people will, in a sociological order, re-organize themselves due to things like frustration eating away at them. I never complained about the balance, or lack-there-of.

I wrote why it should not happen. I never claimed to know how it would end up like.

Mythomania is a disease, you know.

You should beware of denying comments you make on public forums you know;

They are a public record :eyes::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Go find them, you sh!t for brains. I’ll be here, waiting.

I will later - since you asked so nicely

I observe with more mirth than usual that your emotional responses reflect your true nature

Beware of posting in haste on the internet

The level of sophistry you tend to employ will make what you think you find pretty scary, but it should to any reasonable person reveal just how dumb you are. If they aren’t already convinced of it, that is. You sure don’t leave one wanting more.

It’s gonna be fun to see what you think means what you claim they mean.

matching premades with other premades would be easily solved by a. enabling premade queue for av b. increasing honor & rep gain from premade (having more people play in organized groups and socialize in that way is beneficial for the game as they will enjoy it more) when facing other premades, to make it more efficient than fighting pugs.

There are already mechanics like this in the game, like the group xp bonus, which is there to encourage people to not play an MMO alone.

Would you like a new shovel? I think yours is blunt

You should always beware of a blunt shovel