matching premades with other premades would be easily solved by a. enabling premade queue for av b. increasing honor & rep gain from premade (having more people play in organized groups and socialize in that way is beneficial for the game as they will enjoy it more) when facing other premades, to make it more efficient than fighting pugs.
There are already mechanics like this in the game, like the group xp bonus, which is there to encourage people to not play an MMO alone.
Actually no, because the placement of players in the queue is programmed, it’ll follow set patterns with variables. It’s impossible to reverse-engineer every single hidden metric they use for this without having access to the server itself, but the way it works is that you will always see a larger amount of any attempt at a premade, to be split the longer the queues are.
So as a 40 man, you’d only get a few people in. Try it as a 6 man, and you won’t get anyone in the same.
However, due to the instant queues on the alliance side, this becomes much simpler because the placement of players is more streamlined and less varied. As soon as you jump into the queue, you get a bg after all. This vastly shrinks the pool size and the possibility for the randomized placement to take effect, and thus makes it manipulable.
Which is why you can see the alliance being able to do it, while the horde can’t. It’s not for a lack of trying.
A premade isn’t a term coined by Blizzard. It simply refers to something that was pre made. The premades on the alliance side are organized prior, thus they are technically a premade.
It has nothing to do with Join as Raid options in the queuing interface.
But what most horde player scream here is alliance has a “Q as Group” button, while they havent.
I think Blizzard should do something for the long run, BUT its not add Q as Grp button for horde and alliance.
That is only a bandaid fix. They need to go for the root problem so that more PvP players go for alliance in the long run.
I would be so against #nochanges. Changes need to happen to Classic, because it has still the same flaws as it had back then, only that these flaws are waaaaaaaaay more widely known.
Nerfing horde racials is only the 1st step and increasing travel Hub guards for alliance.
Also if everybody said “i only went horde because of friends or optic” then they should have no problem with nerfs to racials for PvP, that also most likely wont affect PvE in the slightest.
But i guarantee you as we saw the PvP Inbalance comming, and the Qs for Horde and the Premade for Alliance, there would be Countless Threads to nerf Alliance racials also.
People dont want balance, even if they say, they just want to be on the better side.
That is the sad truth in WoW…Its very seldom people can look farther than their own nose.
Not necessary. What they should’ve done, as I’ve mentioned before BGs came out, is just leave it to per realm and let the frustration make people re-organize in an organic fashion.
Sure, people will hate it. Many would quit.
But they are tourists and shouldn’t get a silver spoon fed to them, like they’ve done with this abomination of a matchmaking system.
Not everything requires an authoritarian approach. People would balance it out over time, when given proper incentives to do so. Such as the frustration of not being able to do BGs on a server.
They’ve just exacerbated the problems like this. And created many other problems, inherited from retail since it’s the same matchmaking system.
Xrealm can go to hell, it’s socially toxic by design.
But yes, it would more organically spread people out if they’d disable xrealm matchmaking.
To let frustration be what makes people move on their own.
Battle groups were adden then, where a couple of servers shared a queue system. This is a major diffrence.
Regardless, it was at such a late point that it barely makes “vanilla”.
I agree that this totally destroyes the vanilla experience. Even full pugs would be manageable if all came from the same server. And then go and choose AV +1.10, making AV give way too much honor in proportion to other pvp activites…
This is simply not vanilla! This is more like retail, just worse.
I agree, Blizz totally ruined it according to me at least. I guess some retail fan got the final vote.
Full cross realm support was never part of vanilla. And Battle groups were added just before TBC hit. This is like retail without resources, and it really sucks!