Blizzard why you mock us

Since the reset of the previous week (not this one), all pet battles world quests give crap rewards :
-40% of the give war resources
-20% give artifact power and only
-40% of them give pet battles related rewards
That means that out of 5 daily world quests only 2 give pet rewards. The other 3 give irrelevant and useless rewards.
And out of thoose 2 quests, either only one gives polished pet charms or both (but very rarely).
You ask us to gather around 4k+ polished pet charms so that we can buy all pets/toys/stones required.
How you expect us to gather 4k charms when you give us daily only 15, sometimes 0? That means we need to farm minimum 267 days to gather 4k charms with the condition that daily to get at least 1 wq with charms as reward.
Untill the last week, all BFA pet battles wq where giving pet related rewards (uppgrade stones,lvl stones, charms) and very rarely we had a wq with ap or resources. Now you swapped and pet related rewards became a rarity.
Can you do one thing right? Can you try NOT to combine content rewards? Leave pet battle wq with pet battle rewards, leave PVE content with PVE rewards…and so on.
In the last 10 days i farmed only 40-45 charms. At this rate i gather 4k charms in about 2 years…

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I dont understand the fuss.
I have all the charm pets and toys. I also have 2.5k of charms unspent and several hundred upgrade stones of all types banked.
I only have 2 max level chars, this Alliance and one on the scum side.
You could help yourself by also looking at Legion tamers (no worthwhile rewards today) and Draenor’s Garrison. 1 daily + Erris the collector if you have enough Garrisons to cycle through to check + the Weekly quest for 10 upgrade stones.

The content is out there.

The only usefull reward from Legion pet battles content are the pet bandages, wich can be used to powerlevel your pets during pet event. The Legion charms are useless, because i got everything needed.
From BFA i have only 40% of “products” thatyou can buy with polished pet charms. I need around 2,5+k polished charms. At this rate of 15 charms a day i gather them in 166 days…
I dont get this change…why? Why would they do it? Why?
I finally finished the honnorbound medal farm, wich took me around 5 months to finish. That 40% of polished pet charms took me 3 months. Now i start over with pet charms. I understand to farm them and not get them easy…but 166 days is too much. Especially for players with limited daily playtime that must farm “multiple contents” simultaneously (reputations, conquest,etc).

I have to agree with Exris,

I too have unlocked everything there is to unlock with the new tokens, and while initially near the launch of BfA the amount of tokens needed to get all rewards was looking pretty insane (since they added so many pets), in hindsight it actually wasn’t that bad at all.

Between the mission table and a couple quests a day those things pile up pretty quick.

And if you do have access to an alt even moreso (but by no means is that required, and even though i have plenty of alts they’ve actually barely touched the pet WQ, though they did do the occasional pet mission on the missiontable for a while).

Also, don’t forget that you don’t have to buy the 2 most expensive items that sell for polished charms (those things that upgrade your pet cap). The first one you can get from an Achievement (you likely already have) and the other one is entirely optional (i’m not running into problems hitting the 1500 cap anyway).

My “fuss” is that i have limited time to play daily. I have only one char at 120 and i dont have time to grow alts. And to pay 50£ for a boost isnt a option. I barely have time to do the dailies this one char I have. Not to mention that every time i got some extra time, i try take advantage and do events (brawler, world events,darkmoon,etc -wich are time limited). Thats my “fuss”. I dont have so much time like others, who has 7-8 alts and can farm them easy (the polished pet charms).
I dont want Blizz to make all quests to give only polished charm, but also i dont want that 70% of daily pet battles to give AP or resources. My neck is maxed since 2 months ago and resources i dont need. I just want to be how it was before: pet quests to give only pet rewards. What has to do artifact power with a pet quest? It doesnt even make sense…

The first stone i have from achievment. The second stone can wait. My problem is that the pets and toys require a lot of charms. Only the pets and toys,from all vendors, including the hidden vendors (secret vendors) have a total cost of around 3,5k charms. And at this rate of 15-20 charm a day, i need more than half a year to complete them.

Yea, i’m aware, the rate shouldn’t really be 15-20 a day on average though, every so often there are just dry spells for a few days where the WQ are particularly stingy (but even on those days there’s usually the missiontable to top it up a little bit).


Perhaps its worth considering using an alt on the side anyway though, if i understand correctly you used the included boost to create your main character and thus dont have any highlevel alts (and not much time to spend).

I would still consider slowly leveling a demonhunter on the side in that case, on the opposite faction. They start at level 98 so they only have to level through the Legion and BFA bits. And if you want all the possible pet charm rewards then at some point you’re forced to have an alt on the opposite faction anyway if im not mistaken (including having its reputations up to a certain level, i think revered).

The less time you have to play, the more its worth doing that earlier rather than later. I play Horde mainly, and i leveled an Alliance alt for a large part for this very reason. Once i got him to 120 i largely just mothballed him, but i logged on every couple days, just for a minute, to start his mission table missions to slowly build up his reputation to revered (without having to actually spend time on him), once every blue moon i would do some of his emissaries for the big chunk of rep it gives, but i spend very little time on him and eventually did get all the alliance pets with him.

I also did a bunch of quests on him to unlock the bee-pet, seeing as that was Alliance-only content (last i checked), but that’s kind of beside the point, i’m sure there’s some horde-only pet equivalent incase you main Alliance but i don’t know what it is.


As a little aside, if i remember right, 2 Pet WQ spawn every morning at 9am, and another 2 every evening at 9pm, and all of them have a 24 hours duration. so if you log on once every day (regardless on what time, but lets say once every evening at 8pm) there should always be 4 pet WQ up, i think on average 2 of them usually give charms, i remember some days where it was 3/4 and i think even once atleast where it was 4/4, i don’t remember seeing 0/4 ever but if 4/4 is rare and possible i suppose 0/4 is too, 1/4 and 2/4 seem most common.

Some other potential routes to speed it up are:

Some of the pets can be sold on the AH as well, so you could potentially buy those with gold instead, lowering the total amount of tokens needed.

You may also have some friends who couldn’t care less about pet battles, many of those people may be actively ignoring that pet charm mission on the missiontable. You could ask/bribe them to start doing those missions and using the charms to buy some of the trade-able pets for you.

Now that most active players have reached the maximum level of 50 on their necklace, meaning azerite missions are useless to them now, i expect a lot of those people are just mothballing their missiontable anyway.

If you think that the quest rewards are bad then you should try pet PVP for around 300 wins you get about 100 charms.
PVP is harder and requires more skill than the world quests so figure out what the rewards are all about.

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