Blizzard you promised to listen, here is my 5 cents

People are harassing others, there are tons of bots, gold sellers. Your solution is “Just report them”. I am reporting bots out in the world with clear botting behaviour, nothing has been done, no reply, no e-mail that they are taken care of etc. People harrassing others like tagging mobs (same faction), and not killing them, this is in Classic etc. Reporting them, nothing happens, no response for days or WEEKS even.
In retail, Trade chat is FILLED with gold sellers, i report/ignore them, then it takes a few minutes and new one comes. You can’t even write in trade cause there are people selling gold, boosts, etc.

This is getting frustrating and it has come to the point where (atleast I, and some friends) just have stopped reporting, cause it seems to be no point in doing it.

I hope im not the only one noticing that this is so bad for the game in general.


I thought the account had to be in good standing, at least that was my perspective of it.

Learn what actual harassment is and that Blizzard is not responsible what happens on other private platforms on top of it pickpawkit. Nothing else to add.

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And you prove my point further that you can read, but not understand.

What i say in a private space is the business of the person owing said space (and in extention the countries if the country has such laws). That i talk about you on said discord is not harassment. Especially since you chose to enter said private space. Not to mention that i’ve already said in the other thread that its not my business whatsoever that if i chose to talk about you (which is my right) and that you took offense to me talking about you. Not at you, but about you.

The forum rules are of no importance whatsoever in regards of the discord and the least of Blizzards concerns and i gave you a clear statement/reason why this happens on the discord. You get your pronouns on this Forum only because the code of conduct demands it. You wont get them in a private space for reasons stated on said private space.

Again: The Forum CoC plays no role whatsoever.

Youre free to sue me at the German Court or even the European Court if you think you are right. Youre in a for an unpleasant surprise.

And again given what YOU called Daestra you of all people should be absolutely quite in regards of trying to pull the “im getting harassed!!11!!1!” card. What you did is an offense that is punishable on the highest level.

But please throw even more tantrums about me being on the council. Its highly entertaining.

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One thing that I’ve never liked in these forums is the ability for posters to hide their posting history.

For me it says, “I have something to hide”.


You can bypass that quite easily.

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Then you report them and let Blizzard sort it out.

Then you report them and let Blizzard sort it out. Is that why your tickets were deleted?

There is a report feature on Discord isn’t there?

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naming&shaming is against rules
also get a life


Much like Blizzard we do not discuss what action we do or do not take with any individuals involved. However, we couldn’t get in touch with the complainant because they blocked the moderator dealing with the complaint, meaning follow up messages failed to send.

I can confirm that we cleared the discord of the comments that caused offense. Much like Blizzard locks and then 404s threads after they have been flagged.

Just a quick edit to add I wont comment on this issue again. There is no point, the matter is now closed.


I am free to talk about you as i see fit. I can even insult Merkel in my private space for days on end. If she barges into my space and hears it its her problem. If shes standing on the side of the road and i open the window with the full intention of her hearing it then its another story. And then context matters. Do i do for the sake of insulting? Or for the sake of venting. Which does in fact play a major role in court. But you dont know that.

By law its not.

It is not. Read above.

And what you linked didnt break the CoC and neither was it harassment. I dont have to pretend to like or even respect you. This is not demanded by the CoC. And neither does it sanction for me occasionally misgendering you because i cba to pay attention every time i post.

And the CoC was not broken.

Dont even try it. Everyone on the thread that paid attention to it saw you posting it. You didnt even bother to apologize and denied doing it until you got flagged after which you edited it out of your post. Its embarrassing at this point.

Read above. Private space. I dont have to and neither will i hide that i absolutely despise you.

Yeye whoever wants to believe that. You did say that before. Your sub will “run out” and you come back 10minutes later but “it did run out”.

Here? Everything i say is in accordance with the CoC. There? Other rules apply and as such you have to deal with it.


Shows how little you know. Puny wiped the channels. And in fact discord advised us to make a channel or similar things like paying attention you dont rejoin so that people like you dont have access as to avoid your witchhunt. Even Discords admins sincerely cba.

You sure the reason there were deleted is that it was to cover it up and not to remove inappropriate posts?


Discord advised the Server Owner to kick/ban after we raised a case with them.


I think this thread needs to be locked now before someone says something they regret.


He already did damages there. Just to illustrate how sad his life is, he crawled through thousands of messages in order to find a message that falls into gray zone.

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Hey Freestyle,

I can definitely understand it’s frustrating when you don’t see immediate results from your reports, though in most cases there are valid reasons for this.

For example when it comes to botting, it may be more useful to wait a bit and gather information to then be able to action a larger amount of offenders in one go.

When it comes to spamming and prohibited advertising such as RMT, it’ll often be the case that they have access to a larger number of fraudulent/compromised accounts and when one is actioned they move on to the next.

Of course player reports is only one way to combat this and we have other systems in place as well, though your reports will always be useful and very much appreciated when you’re able to help out.

For more info, check out one of the matching support article, such as:

Thanks again for your efforts!

And with that, it seems this thread is already derailing outside of any customer support matter and so we’ll close it here.