Blizzard you promised to listen, here is my 5 cents

I am free to talk about you as i see fit. I can even insult Merkel in my private space for days on end. If she barges into my space and hears it its her problem. If shes standing on the side of the road and i open the window with the full intention of her hearing it then its another story. And then context matters. Do i do for the sake of insulting? Or for the sake of venting. Which does in fact play a major role in court. But you dont know that.

By law its not.

It is not. Read above.

And what you linked didnt break the CoC and neither was it harassment. I dont have to pretend to like or even respect you. This is not demanded by the CoC. And neither does it sanction for me occasionally misgendering you because i cba to pay attention every time i post.

And the CoC was not broken.

Dont even try it. Everyone on the thread that paid attention to it saw you posting it. You didnt even bother to apologize and denied doing it until you got flagged after which you edited it out of your post. Its embarrassing at this point.

Read above. Private space. I dont have to and neither will i hide that i absolutely despise you.

Yeye whoever wants to believe that. You did say that before. Your sub will “run out” and you come back 10minutes later but “it did run out”.

Here? Everything i say is in accordance with the CoC. There? Other rules apply and as such you have to deal with it.


Shows how little you know. Puny wiped the channels. And in fact discord advised us to make a channel or similar things like paying attention you dont rejoin so that people like you dont have access as to avoid your witchhunt. Even Discords admins sincerely cba.