Blizzard you promised to listen, here is my 5 cents

And you prove my point further that you can read, but not understand.

What i say in a private space is the business of the person owing said space (and in extention the countries if the country has such laws). That i talk about you on said discord is not harassment. Especially since you chose to enter said private space. Not to mention that i’ve already said in the other thread that its not my business whatsoever that if i chose to talk about you (which is my right) and that you took offense to me talking about you. Not at you, but about you.

The forum rules are of no importance whatsoever in regards of the discord and the least of Blizzards concerns and i gave you a clear statement/reason why this happens on the discord. You get your pronouns on this Forum only because the code of conduct demands it. You wont get them in a private space for reasons stated on said private space.

Again: The Forum CoC plays no role whatsoever.

Youre free to sue me at the German Court or even the European Court if you think you are right. Youre in a for an unpleasant surprise.

And again given what YOU called Daestra you of all people should be absolutely quite in regards of trying to pull the “im getting harassed!!11!!1!” card. What you did is an offense that is punishable on the highest level.

But please throw even more tantrums about me being on the council. Its highly entertaining.

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