Blizzard's Inaction Towards Wintraders in Solo Shuffle Ladder

Haha nice name bro

With income from subs and expansion buy, there shoud be no excuse from them, as regular player I dont care their greed, cuts, I dont care if they gonna earn 10milion or 9,5 milion, booth earning are still fat money. But I care for quality of product, and not having live GMs to deal with PVP issues specialy in game which want to be E-Sport is nothing else than disrespect to their customers.

Thats somewhat true I got pauses from wow for some times but… as time pass its obvious that chances to return are lower and lower, and if they fail to maintain fairplay in their game, reason to return will be less and less.

I think they are not aware of potential of fairplay, Olympic games, UEFA games, NBA games, FIFA games, NFL games, they are world best just because those organisation trying their best to keep fairplay, because fairplay is foundation of their income, respect and popularity, allowing cheaters is just like they allow doping.

The wintrader from the YouTube clips I linked, who was caught on Lontar’s stream using his own two accounts to exploit the system, has now name-changed to “Smyne-Blackmoore” and logged in to receive his new rank 1 title.

The fact that this player has managed to get away with it for two seasons and even log in to claim a rank 1 title without any repercussions is honestly pretty disheartening. Blizzard needs to step up their game and take swift action against cheaters to maintain the integrity of the PvP scene. It’s not just about this one player—it’s about setting a standard that this kind of behavior won’t be tolerated.


Just make a Discord for it, invite Multiple Pvpers, try to find him, and Massreport this guy, the report system will automatically ban him, when enough people report him.

That’s a really good idea tbh. But you forgot that people don’t really care about tanks and tanks wintrading. The title is a meme itself.

Cherry on top…now lets just review damage guys like him do:

  1. They spit to reputation of this game tempering with ladderboard
  2. They deny rewards those who deserve
  3. They probably summited few people into unsuscribe
  4. They waste anyone time and ratting, because for them to earn points someone must lose points, and time…because you must be into their games looking their circus and in same time knowing it woud be -70 for you and that you will need 2 hours of playing to recover that ratting and all this is if you presume you gonna win and not to meet another one like them !!

When we survey all their damage, conclusion is that their subscription stinks, for their 10 euros blizzard lose 40 euros, they temper with ladderboard which is greatest offense player can do in comepetitive game, there shoud be 0 mercy there from blizzard… they hurt game finnances, reputation and deny other player deserved rewards, its worst form of behaviour in game possible… People get baned in this game for cursing, but honestly when those guys deny me from my deserved rewards its like they 1000x times cursed my mother. Because this what those guys do is REAL DAMAGE to this game.

yeah, its anyway kinda troll why tanks can get a r1 title there, its like getting Gladiator in cata/mop when u farmed rating on a level 70 pvp twink and leveld him up to 85/90 and wait until season ends

Tanks Shouldnt get r1 title in shuffle Tbh