Blizzard's Inaction Towards Wintraders in Solo Shuffle Ladder


I want to express my disappointment with Blizzard’s lack of action towards wintraders in the recently finished Dragonflight Season 4 in Solo Shuffle.

Wintraders were rampant this season. Multiple players were caught on stream blatantly wintrading, either with friends or, in one extreme case, using their own two WoW accounts linked to the same account. One player, originally named Rop-Blackhand (now changed to Òèèadé-Blackhand), repeatedly AFKed on his Resto Shaman so his Guardian Druid could gain MMR and CR. This was documented and streamed live. Here are the links to the videos:

Video 1
Video 2

Myself and many others have written numerous tickets to Blizzard and sent detailed reports with video proof of these wintraders in action to Blizzard’s “hacks” email address. Blizzard acknowledged the issue and claimed that these occurrences were being investigated. However, no visible action has been taken. Many players, including myself, who should have been eligible for titles if the wintraders were banned, received nothing.

This situation raises several concerns:

  1. Does Blizzard not care about the integrity of their PvP ladder anymore?
  2. Are blatant cheaters being ignored, even when provided with video proof?

It’s frustrating to see such a lack of enforcement from Blizzard, especially when the community is actively reporting and providing evidence of these infractions. The competitive nature of Solo Shuffle is severely compromised when wintraders can operate without consequence.


Is this referring to tanks wintrading in SS?

We are aware and I fear nobody cares.


Yes it is. I sent multiple tickets to Blizzard, but did not recieve any useful answer. I’m just getting told to use the “ingame report system”

It’s crazy to me that even when caught on video, these players are still not suspended.

Sucks to see Blizzard not paying attention to this.


There has been multiple threads and discussions about these things now and blizzard still doesnt address anything publicly while the wintraders keep getting their rewards. Sets a really bad tone for the ‘pvp integrity’ they talk about in the pinned post on this subform.

I remember reading something about making match history public for solo shuffle which would solve a lot of these issues too


tbh this is the first thread about wintrading with evidence


Another thing is that Blizzard is not awarding titles to players who are eligible after banning wintraders and cheaters on the different ladders. Instead of giving the spot to the players who rightfully earned it, they simply remove the spot altogether, so no one gets the title.

This needs to be fixed.

Removing cheaters is great, but it’s also unfair to punish legitimate players by taking away their deserved rewards. Blizzard should reassign the titles to the next eligible players on the ladder. This way, those who have played fairly and reached the necessary rank can receive the titles they’ve earned.

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People have been saying wintrading going on in shuffle since it were introduced in df and they were told that its not happening. I really hope it didnt take this long and a youtube video from streamer before people understand that it is actually possible for group of friends attempt to get into same games and trade it into someones favor. And sad thing is this could been made harder if they put penalty for not accepting ones que, theres one even for unrated skirmish so I dont understand why such were not put for rated mode. This also were not only issue related tanks in shuffles either there were people wintrading even outside of any tanks involved.


Offense against ladderboard is greatest offense player can do in competitive game, punishment for that must be severe; Perma ban char which do offense, lock player entire Bnet account out of competitive play for a season, strip him of all rewards and achievments.

This is only way how WoW shoud become respectable E-Sport, no other way

Players which manipulate ladderboard are not players, they are cattle and they must be treated as cattle, for each of their subscription 3-4 regular player cancel subscription, and regular player is pillar of community, ask yourself why punishment must be harsh and without mercy?

  1. player who rig ladderboard damage respect of game
  2. player who rig ladderboard get rewards he do not deserve in same time they denying you from your rewards
  3. they deny you from respect
  4. they waste your time and hurt your progress

Sadly people buy PvP titles and boosts like a bread in bakery, and this is alarming, and usualy this stuff is done with wintrading their client into desired ratting, so regular player cannot play the game because you constantly must pay toll to wintraders.

What blizzard MUST do…
Employ few GMs who gona pretend to be client of booster, aim their websites, watch games, check game history than strike to them like divine justice. Excuse that this is expensive is not a excuse, we pay subscription its blizzard duty to ensure fairplay by any mean necessary, this is only E-sport way ! And good E-sport means money !

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We first have to start with Rahbekius, who is pretending to be legit, he does wintrade every season and pretends to be legit and trys to wintrade legit, he should publish all of his last solo shuffle games, and we will only see the same names there.

1 game doesnt proof anything, but this Rahbekius guy is doing plenty unpunished, just like last season he did.

And he calls himself the blood god haha and denys showing us proofs, that he deosnt wintrade.

In his case GM need to carefuly check his match history…if same names repeats while he is wining, thats it…

I contacted Blizzard about this agian, but it feels like they’re completely ignoring the issue. It’s disappointing to see them so focused on “The War Within” while this problem goes unaddressed…

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Copium overdose

If blizzard fail to ensure fairplay they offer low quality product to their customers, while in same time taking subscription + money for expansion, so basicly its not player care how they gonna pay GMs who gonna eradicate wintrading, in additon money is not issue there at all.

Second, blizzard need to understand value of fairplay, when game reach point of respectable fairplay it opens gates of E-Sport, Tournaments, it opens gate to money, free marketing of their game, in the end more subscribers

In other hand they pretend all is fine and not punish offenders, they must know that for each one cattle of players who cheat , 3 regular players will abandon their game + they losing respect as E-Sport. So protecting wintrader subscriptions not worth the price, those guys are not even players but cattle and must be dealt with, since messing with legitimacy of ladderboard is greatest offense player can do toward game. There is no room to be merciful there.

Main moto of PvP shoud be: Respect and may the better wins

My guess would be that there are SO MANY Win trading/Cheating or whatever, that it would cost them to much to get it in check. Since blizz is all about Cost reduction they simply ignore it. Or at least i believe so.


Yes, just google boosting sites, they selling it like bread in bakery, there is no stuff which cannot be brought there… their very existence deny regular player to play this game. They are not boosting something irrelevant, they are boosting to take ladderboard postions and deny regular player from deserved position and titles.

In game where money income from subs+expansion buy+microtransactions its cheap excuse that there is cost reduction, its just greed versus quality, on long run this gonna destroy WoW.

First and good step from blizzard: Just employ 2 GMs, and let them visit their sites, pretend to be their customer, after that GMs have prove to legitly ban them. Imagine how hard it gonna hurt their operation if they know GMs can join their groups on site and ban them, if they keep buying new account let them, its profit, but each time they are caught keep baning them, repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat and repeat until they are destroyed.

Remeber for each cattle cheater subscription, 3 regular player will abandon game, and WoW as E-Sport will cease to exist. So their subscription stinks, they maybe pay blizz 10e per moonth but they do damage for 30euros per moonth each of them, and hurt game reputation on long run. Baning them woud be like seting forest on fire, yes blizzard will lose some subs from booster communties, but after that even more lush healthly forest will grow on their ashes. This is necessary and must do step from blizzard… In the end blizzard can pull more profit from respectable cheat free E-Sport, than from this ill cheat based community which destroy respect of this game. Again their subs stinks !


It’s very hard to prove. Not worth the hassle for Blizzard.

How is hard to prove?, its very easy !
-GM visits their Web site, pretends to be their usual customer, once they start procedure with him, he swing ban hammer he got all evidence to ban. its 10/10 catch
-GM check ladderboard players history (specially top 500) if guy named Bacon ended so many time with Ham, and each time win, its alarm to spectate games.
-Add proper report category for wintrading so even players can draw ire of GM to spectate games if there is somehting fishy.
-Make ladderboard purges public, to serve as example as future offenders like in LOL

There shoud be no respect, no pity, no mercy to anyone who tempers with ladderboad its greatest offense player can do in competitive game, and punishment must be at least entire BNET season que ban of account which did offence

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Lil guy… I hate to break it to you, but look at your solutions.

Number 1 through 3 have a fatal flaw - they imply a need for an employee to do this. There’s no such thing as “PvP employee” at Blizzard anymore.
And number 4 is not even a solution.

They’re so bad at doing this that they don’t even do the obvious, effectively free things that would dramatically increase their pocket flow, and you expect them to pay more instead of get money for no effort? Gimme a break. We’re addicts. A junkie doesn’t set the prize, the dealer does. Do you think dealers care about their customers’ well-being? Gimme a break.

We’ll always come back, if we ever leave. They know it, we know it. Just take the syringe and press instead of running gums.

But cases like the one I linked in this thread should be pretty straightforward for Blizzard to act on. The player is caught using his own two WoW accounts, trading himself wins and ended up being the highest rated player for his spec.

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