Blizzards pathetic response to 20% of Stitches server dying to their issues

I assume that’s sarcasm, which doesn’t come across well in text.

But I do think Blizzard should be more proactive with warnings about problems.

You are correct, blizzard is not obliged to help in any way.

Players are also not obliged to keep playing.

There’s something called providing a quality service, and not doing so.

They can take their hands off and say no customer support or any changes to deal with dc issues. And they should not be surprised when the mode dies out. Not that it matters much, classic hc doesn’t make too much of profit, is more dessert cash.


People seem to think that Blizzard don’t want to provide a good service or don’t care about it. I think they do but don’t have enough resources in place to solve the problem quickly.

As they wrote in tickets people posted here, all resources are on Dragonfligth and Diablo 4, said by gms replying to tickets. So yeah, the people in place of power at blizzard deemed classic hc not worth much investment.

It’s unfortunate, but the mode doesn’t have too much future, even though it could’ve, it’s fun to play if you ignore dc part, but dc deaths are just too soul crushing for lot of people.

Then stop creating characters on Stitches. You know the server is unstable, so pick Nek’Rosh instead next time.

Well it just happens - I lost my hardcore character in many games due to DC, lag, server hiccup - Diablo, PoE, WoW, Dofus - every time I just started again, because that’s what this mode is about, not actual endgame progression.

Same went for today’s “incident”.

Get rekt nerds, hope you never get ressurected. RIPBOZOS STAY MALDING

The lag happens everywhere - Stitches, Nek’rosh, Classic Era, Wrath of the Lich King Classic.

If you cry over a death no matter the reason, HC simply isn’t for you.

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Yeah i do, i can /W my character even invite him into a group :smiley: and unstuck… im little bit scared to do this

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Bye Bye characters. Blizzard cash register goes TJAAAAA TJIINNNGGGGGG

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Ok, that’s pretty ducked up. Your best bet is a ticket or waiting for an actual realm reboot.
And considering the current performance of Stitches, maybe it crashes completely in the evening and you can log back in.

Yes I know. But you don’t disconnect on Era or Nek’Rosh yet - only Stitches, and that was the problem OP had.

You guys had been warned and the rules were clear. You wanted to play that crap, deal with it. :rofl:

Blizzard told you before releasing the servers, they would not be held accountable for death due to server lag or disconnection.

go agane I guess :rofl:

You don’t disconnect on Stitches either. Your character cannot use it’s abilities or respond to you clicking or pressing keys. And you just read in chat that your character has died.

You do when server crashes. And that is what happened and killed loads of people.
The click problem does not exist on the other servers, it’s “only” insane slow when logging in, entering an instance etc.

The funniest thing is that they are probably the ones who are testing the servers and that is why they are not working well.

I’ve got the same problem, ticketed, GM replied Stitches has issues they are still looking into.
For now they ask us to be patient and hope they are resolved soon so our character can play again.
Not much but that’s what I got.

That would be great!

Here the response of a GM from my ticket :

Hi Mike!
I’m Game Master Ocestoalsi, here to help you!

I see that your hardcore character has died. We completely understand your situation, but unfortunately the Game Masters aren’t able to revive this kind of character in any situation. If you have been the victim of a lag, please find more information at this link: Hardcore servers lag [20/09] - #106 by Tyrskorn-2108

Don’t hesitate to get back to us if you have any further questions. Have a nice day!

MJ Ocestoalsi