Blizzard's servers and latency/lag problem?

| WinMTR statistics |

Host - % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last - 0 843 843 0 0 6 0 - 0 843 843 1 2 45 1 - 0 843 843 1 2 13 2 - 0 843 843 1 2 13 1 - 1 831 828 3 4 10 4 - 0 843 843 3 8 21 7 - 0 843 843 18 22 118 19 - 2 792 781 0 41 4766 24 - 5 707 676 0 67 4840 24 - 30 359 252 24 582 4440 24 - 0 843 843 22 23 50 23 - 1 823 818 23 24 36 24
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WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
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'Sup. Signal Boosting your post, dealt with latency problems (especially world latency) for months now and it’s all come back to the traceroutes and WinMTR’s showing unacceptable packet loss on their nodes.

Does this packet loss at the three node come with any severe or unusual in game issues for you as well or problems that led you to investigate this, just so we can compare issues?

I’ve tried GPNs, VPNs, the whole rulebook Blizzard prays to with DNS Flushing and other fixes, etc., Changed ISP, issue still persists. I won’t prolong this post with the whole list, cause it’s long, but if you can think of it, I’ve done it.

And it all leads back to checking actual traceroutes and WinMTR and seeing that the most common issue across all of them are 3 Blizzard nodes on the route. Yours only seem to differ slightly. I tried all available channels to let them know, but it’s a very limited amount of channels for us as players/consumers and you get next to zero Feedback on whether this reached anybody at all or is being looked at.

  1. Server Being played on: Stormscale
  2. What Video Card you are currently using: NVIDIA Geforce 3060
  3. Location in the world if you are having connection issues: Germany
  4. ISP if you are having connection issues: German Telekom
  5. A description of the issue you are having.
WinMTR Statistics

WinMTR statistics

Host % Sent Recv Best Avrg Wrst Last
speedport.ip 0 882 882 0 0 1 0
No response from host 100 179 0 0 0 0 0 0 882 882 74 81 208 78 0 882 882 74 92 513 88
h-sb1-i.H.DE.NET.DTAG.DE 0 882 882 79 88 218 88
f-eh1-i.F.DE.NET.DTAG.DE 0 882 882 79 88 218 88 0 882 882 79 90 238 88 2 824 811 86 107 3967 88 4 776 752 85 152 4709 94 15 519 446 86 487 4715 719 0 882 882 86 94 218 98 0 882 882 85 91 233 93

Fresh, but probably also the most stable one with the et-0-0-5 at 15% and that says something. Usually it’s anywhere from 30-60 after a 5-10 minute MTR.

Wouldn’t expect for us to get an answer though. There’s multiple threads with multiple 100’s of posts where people have the same problem with the same or similar nodes as us and it’s not been fixed in months. Edit: Looking Glass does seem to have gone the way of the dodo long before this issue occured, so took the arguably a little salty remark on the support posts out. No need for that here.
… Yeah…

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