Blizzcon 2019 virtual ticket

Please blizzard make this year blizzcon tabard to wow ( black and blue text ) where will be Blizzcon or blizzcon and year under the text Blizzcon 2019 :)) !

Do you have a phone ?


Hell yeah bought it from aliexpress… guess its a phony one.

I expect the next Blizzcon would showcase more mobile titles fir the Chinese Market…

Wow mobile Chinese version😋
Overwatch 2 mobile edition
Wow reforged mobile only. Pc is cancelled. :popcorn:
and more…

Blizzcon 2019 will feature at the very least :

  • WoW patch 8.3 and maybe the next expansion
  • Diablo 4 for PC and most likely consoles
  • Overwatch 2 (PvE game)
  • More news about Warcraft III reforged
  • New about WoW classic and the next phases

And the usual

  • Hearthstone new expansion
  • HotS content and/or new hero
  • Most likely a new Overwatch hero

Keep crying about phones, there’s more than enough PC content for them to let other studios make mobile games with their IP for china.

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Looks way better than previous 2 years!

Yes ow 2 will have large pve largments but pvp there will be also i think :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t think they will do a tabard or anything like that this year, I think they will make another Blizzcon mount or pet this year. They need to make the 2019 in-game items god-like if they want people to continue buying the virtual ticket.

A ton of people were saying they refunded their 2018 virtual ticket because last year’s rewards were just so bad compared to the 2017 ones. (the Demon Hunter Sombra skin for Overwatch + Starcraft items don’t count because they will be made available later on this year for everyone, as it said in the fine print and so they are not actually Blizzcon items).

Not only that they increased the price of the virtual ticket by £/€10 for most countries and that will only discourage people more from buying the 2019 virtual ticket if this year’s rewards are dull and boring again.

I’m betting the first WoW classic Blizzcon reward will be Murky. That alone will get a TON of sales.

Hopefully it will be a mount or a pet :slight_smile:
Also hoping for some juicy Blizzcon news this year!

Possibly news on new expansion, maybe even new races too!

oof and i almost forgot about baby naga this patch.

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