Blizzcon 2021 retail WoW predictions. What you think will be announced?

I hope they fire Ion. Wow experiencing its worst times alongside with him. He clearly can’t run this as " HEAD ". He must be replaced for the sake of game.


9.1 Deep Dive, probably some future stuff and the Official Announcement of TBC Classic with Beta Start times etc and release date for that.

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A Moomins universe tie-in.

Recruitable Electrified Hattifatner companions that function like Hunter pets. New world NPC including, but not limited to Moomintroll, Moominpapa, Snuffkin and the Snork Maiden. New character class Hemeling, new minor professions stamp collecting and botany. The Groke as a summonable world boss.

Also TBC Classic servers.

Wont be anybody left playing at that point, apart from the hard core no lifer addicts that blizzard has groomed with their psychology tricks.

Japanese companies make apologies when they mess up.

American companies trodd on shamelessy pumping out spin and redirects.

Just discussions of what’s planned for Shadowlands, no reveal of next expansion.

I want to see some D4 news.

You do know that WoW has just become the fastest selling PC game in history with the launch of Shadowlands? And that it is at or near its peak in terms of revenue for Blizzard?

Regardless of our gripes with the game, it is working splendidly from an economic standpoint. Ion is probably hailed for his work inside the company.

A title they held on for… a week, was it? In a global pandemic where people are sitting at home, bored out of their minds. Everything is indicating a sharp decline at this point in subs, but as no official numbers are available, best we can go by is product interaction (streamers, YouTube, etc.) and that started falling off a cliff after New Year. One guy analyzing it suggested it might by as much as 150k subs being dropped a week, on the 5-million-ish subs it likely peaked on.

100% Maldraxxus raid. It seems the next logical step.

My guess:

  • Classic TBC announcement
  • Flying unlocked in 9.1
  • More Maw/Torghast content and updates on the story plus a fancy cinematic
  • Either tier sets returning or a PvE currency
  • New raid spoilers

We dont know what to do with havoc demon hunters so we have decided to delete the spec

Burning Crusade re-release is a given. It’s been heavily rumoured and I recall there being a survey issued by Blizzard themselves asking players how they want to go about adding Burning Crusade content to Classic.

I honestly hope that Classic soon grows to become an archive of previous expansion content.

Please dont. Not another covenant based raid.

It’s coming and you know it :stuck_out_tongue:

List of WoW predictions I have for Blizzconline 2021 and Patch 9.1:

Burning Crusade Classic - beta in March and release in June.

New Shadowlands zone. The player secures enough Anima reserves from their defeat of Sire Denathrius that the Brokers open up a gateway to a new plane of the Shadowlands. And before you dismiss this thought, note that there are 8 portal slots in the Ring of Transferrence in Oribos.

9.1 raid set in the new zone.

A new 5 man (Mythic exclusive) mega-dungeon set in Torghast, where you go in and break Anduin out of jail. 7 bosses overall. Sylvanas has a change of heart, switches sides and decides to help the player break Anduin out. The penultimate boss is Tyrande, and the final boss is similar to the Lich King fight in Halls of Reflection, where we have to escape from the Jailer.

Sylvanas and Anduin are freed from the Maw. Sylvanas spills the beans on what the Jailer is after and how the Arbiter was put into stasis. It has something to do with Argus’s World Soul. Meanwhile, Tyrande is captured by the Jailer and because her mind has been warped so much by Elune, Zovaal is able to break her easily and turn her into his most powerful weapon.

New Maw subzone. Currently only the cauldron and the Beastwarrens are unlocked. The rest will be unlocked throughout 9.1 and 9.2 and will require further progression in the Maw Campaign.

More details about Ve’nari. She was exiled from Cartel Ve because she allied with Zovaal during his initial betrayal. But she saw the true nature of his plans, turned against him, evaded capture and had eluded him for many years. She is the one who tracks down Tyrande in Torghast.

Pathfinder is unlockable by Patch 9.2. The requirements are… pretty rough. Full completion of the Covenant Campaign, full completion of the Maw campaign, exalted with all factions, Appreciative with Ve’nari, explored every part of the Maw.

Whaaat? Nah, there’s no way that’s going to happen.

If anything, we will find her and she will help us in Torghast, there’s no way she’ll be a boss.

Sounds pretty horrible. If your predictions are accurate; I’m out until the end of the expansion.

Well, i am pretty confident they will announce stuff i already dont care anymore (or never did), more things for Thorgast and The Maw …

There are really good guesses here.

I think we might be getting Naxx 3.0 :slight_smile:

I’m sure we will get more customization, probably most for Allied races and a few more for core races. I made a detailed thread if you want to read.

That would be So cool!

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Nightborne customization announcement is only predication I have

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