Blizzcon makes my face hurt

Hey long-time player, first time poster. I love all things blizzard and am always excited by blizzcon, however never being able to attend (unless maybe if i sold my account) and the scheduling is just a real issue for someone living in the uk or europe (yes i know timezones are a thing) but with blizzcon being free this year no matter how hard i try i cannot find any VoDs of either the community events OR its closing ceremony, unless i had stayed up for 48hrs when blizzzcon went live. pls fix how badly you release these VoDs as much as i enjoy OW league (and their sponsors) i much prefer the ppl who make up your game (the players) ans their content. TLDR blizzard pls release the community event VoD and closing ceremony.

Does anyone have Links to those VoDs I would greatly appreciate it, and I am not averse to Bribery (I has Cookies!)

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