Blizzcon transmog

Oh people, I tell you this - at the day you pay my sub fee, you can start telling me how I should play this game. Until then - leave my mogs alone.


Cant u see that this garbage pajama mog is opening the way for them to ruin the game with more game shop transmog… dont encouridge them for gods sake


I read a post in the support forum about this by a Tauren player, they said it just stopped happening randomly.

Can you try this? Transmog your set to something else. Log out. Login again and put the wendigo pajama transmog back on. See if it persists with another logout then login.

How do you want it ?

Do you want everyone to be dressed as warrior or as affiliated towards a faction? Or do you want WOD BLF and HC edgy mogs ?

I don’t. I want variety , I want to see whacky and other things combined with people who want to wear normal knight / fantasy esque mogs alike.

Oh whatever i cant beleave how blind u people are… im out.


Did that, enjoeyed it for a week, went back to some other transmog. Like every week when I feel like it.
I totally don’t care, to be fair slu*-mogs annoy me alot more than this PJ xD

Don’t forget this gem. Clearly more superior to woolies.


My gaming experience is not ruined because I see a gnome looking hella cute in a yeti onesie. I actually smiled and carried on with my jelly farming in Stormsong. I didn’t get upset that my fantasy character encoutered someone dressed up as a yeti.

It reminded me of the quest we did in Wrath where we have to dress up as a murloc in Borean Tundra.


We all looked like clowns during TBC. It was a very colourful expansion gear wise.

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Dont touch my hat!


It’s not colourful ! It’s colours of pride, colours of determination and bloodthirsty warriors ! Lok’Thar !

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/me tips the hat like a boss

This starfish on my eye ruins my immersion.

Very colourful indeed :sweat_smile: but it’s no more strange than the wooly people object too now… especially when it comes to “immersion” so I don’t get why people get all upset either.

I can understand if you are a serious RPer and someone wanders into a group of you acting something out in a Yeti onesie it can be upsetting. But for those of us that don’t act as if we are our characters, I don’t get the problem.

I always wanted a giant bunny mount

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I swear I played a mmorpg exactly like this

When is the next year of the Rabbit? Thought that would make it a store mount.

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Is this the in-game version of Lady GaGa´s meat dress ?

Maybe the sausage dress will come out for another Brewfest :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: