Blizzcon transmog

Why every day when i loging again on my char where i have like a transmog windigo woolies i dont have them transmoged on my char ? I need again and again transmog every day them again :c any help ?

Is it just on that character or others too?

Cuz it sucks and u should wear something that ACTUALLY BELONGS to wows universe and not this pajama trash thats ruining muh immersion !


Yes we totally don’t have any comical/fun transmog items in World of Warcraft


For example ? mrs smartie pants… the one and only item i know of is the fish

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I guess technically it’s a toy though but I am sure I can find others xD

Never seen it on a player + its a seasonal helmet and a toy…


Thats the fish… the one and only lol item

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This mog makes me think they should be yodelling in the Alps

This rogue mog is only mog that all my 5 (belf, undead, 2 nelves, 1 velf) rogues wore some point - red horde variant, blue alliance variant, the light blue LFR variant and the brown hc raid variant.


Get in touch with your inner murloc


There is a guy warrior “Steamedhams# on forums and he wears goggles on all his characters and boxers lmao

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Let me ask this will u as a proud paladin wear a full pair of pajamas in a raid full of other rugged adventurers of the horde ? No ? Yea i thought so…

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I would happily wear those to a raid.


Then you are the problem… wow needs to stay wow and not become a dumb anime like game where everyone weard bunny or cat ears and rides pink bunnys with little chicks on their heads !


No you are the problem. You want to dictate to everyone else what is and isn’t acceptable. There is no difference in my mind of a person using a terrible transmog on purpose, someone who doesn’t mog at all and is all mismatched, something comical or a yeti suit/onesie that came with the Blizzcon ticket.

The bulk of servers are not RP.


Oh wow, fun police here.

Listen buddy, you encounter all sorts of people irl , correct?
I am 9999,9999,9999% certain , that during your irl walk around you might have seen whackos and other stuff.

This applies here as well. Let people be people everywhere of all sorts of colours and tastes.