I chuckled, thanks.
They’ve pencilled in 2022 for D4 apparently.
On topic, probably snippets of new raid, cant see new zones unless they just expand the existing ones and call it new. The maw and Torghast will probably feature more in the next big patch
Interesting. D4 I might actually play. Unlike OW2. (And unlike Diablo Immortal.)
Must admit I’m looking forward to D4, heck I still play D3 sometimes
If it’s coming in 2022 it probably means very bad news, I’d love to have faith in blizzard especially since the little tidbits of D4 we got are insanely amazing, but imo it’s way too early to release for a diablo game.
I expect nothing tbh, so i can’t be disappointed either. Too many times they have promised things and hardly ever delivered. So i am blanc on this.
I’m probably going to play it if the controls aren’t too uncomfortable - which is my main concern about mobile games.
The best thing about WoW at the moment would be the D4 news, cause it will make us stick around just a little more, even if don’t really like it
I feel some dissapointment incoming concerning flying, other then that new raid new campaign… the usual
There will probably be bunch of mobile things that nobody cares about, some news about diablo, overwatch and hs. Maybe some surprise actual new games, that they keep saying are in works.
For WoW i imagine there will be 9.1 in detail with ptr announcement, and some concept stuff for 9.2. Regardless what there will be, good or bad, can guarantee ton of whining in forums.
I’m excited about Overwatch 2 honestly. I’m guessing the beta will start soon.
Overwatch was a very fun experience, at least the first year.
Tbh I would actually love a pet battle mobile app.
I expect them to fix this broken state of a game in PvP and the loot system. But I don’t see it happening.
More mobile projects with a tones of microtransactions and ofc more and more WoW store mounts.
If we don’t get at least 1 new dungeon in 9.1, and 1 more in every major patch, M+ is dead to me. The 8 we have are easily worse than BFA ones of which we had 10 and definitely worse than Legion dungeons.
I’ve never gotten to the point that I got sick of dungeons quicker, and all M+ downgrades including fewer drops, further punishing key depletion, kiting meta, ilvl gutting, were a major factor here as M+ is more toxic and stressful than ever.
They will release updates for allied races each patch.
RIP wichever race gets the “worgen” treatment, 4 years later X)
You forgot the announcement that the Maw and torghast is really their beta diablo game and a thank you for us testing it. Oh and be sure to have your mobile ready.
With the amount of doomsday threads you keep making on the daily why not make us all a favor and unsub? It’s not like you seem to enjoy too many of the content game has to offer anyway. Just go play other games or do other stuff. Cheers fella!
WoW going to Maintenance mode - My prediction for BlizzCon.
No new “3% dmg upgrades” for the weak classes.