BlizzConline is an online version of Blizzcon, will happen Feb 19-20 (in two weeks).
(1) WoW - discussion of 9.1:
(+) talks about the story (Jailer bla bla whatever don’t care),
(+) new raid (obviously),
(+) some continuation for the Maw (can go die in a fire),
(+) some new things for Torghast (don’t care),
(+) changes to loot (at last something useful, hopefully that would be valor points that let you upgrade or buy PVE gear),
(+) “we are overall happy with class and spec balance, but will continue looking at it” and similar nonsense.
(2) WoW classic - TBC servers coming (date likely unknown),
(3) Overwatch - OW2 coming (obvious, no dates, some details shared),
(4) Diablo - D4 coming (same as OW2),
(5) Hearthstone - expansion #283 (nobody cares, expansions make things worse for nearly all HS players and are viewed as merely means for Blizzard to force more money into their pockets),
(6) HotS / SC2 - largely non-existent, maybe mentioned in a footnote.
Will 9.1 fix SL? It might. But we’ll see. (Spare me the “SL doesn’t need fixing”, it does.)
What are your predictions?
Honestly, I don’t expect to see anything significant. A couple of games that are far from coming out, some minimal improvements for this expansion and a few more unimportant things, just like you wrote. If they are at all interested in the survival of this expansion, then they would have to do much more in the next patch. I mean improvements for alts, to finally do something about boosting, to focus more on class/spec design ie. to the core parts of the game instead of stupid and boring systems. The gearing system needs to be regulated (changed/improved) and a huge unnecessary power difference reduced. Maybe they should add another new zone, a huge zone with new characters and finally get rid of annoying characters like Thrall, Anduin, Sylvanas etc. of which I am personally sick. Simply put, I want the game to start looking like wow again, quality wow.
I don’t have high expectations, but 9.1 is a great chance and maybe the last chance for this expansion.
You forgot at least 3 mobile titles for their existing franchises and a release date for Diablo Immortal.
I think whatever they do you’ll have a doom and gloom hate post shortly after thats high on rhetoric and low on facts.
Add Mobile Warcraft games to that list! Cus its coming.
All of that does not matter if they do not fix spec balance, there quite a lot of under performers that need fixing, and so far they shown they do not care cos they buff weak specs but ignore specs that are below those specs.
New raid gated for a few weeks like Isle of Thunder one or two new realms/lands in a mixture way of Nazjatar/Mechagon but done in such a way you’d rather not. Oh and you can fly everywhere but there.
Hopefully more anima available but probably not or it’s obtainable from the new zones making the daily anima wq farm eeeeveeen longer!!!
I would like further upgrades to covenant gear as well. With that damned anima of course but upgrades nonetheless.
Hopefully, more customizations and complete revamp of the Nightborne.
Expect something, hmm maybe dissapointment just like every year
Blizzard please add content to SL. Raids, m+ and pvp arent enough. It’d be nice to have something to do in open world. I wouldnt mind few long puzzle chains or chromie event like we had in legion…
By the way, yes, you are right (no sarcasm). There will be news about mobile games, guaranteed. Diablo Immortal and maybe even more.
A whole lotta nothing and disappointments.
Buy this new X mount and X transmog to celebrate with us?
Both d4 and ow2 will not be released in 2021. So im not hyped at all idk maybe they finaly release this mobile game we are all waiting for.
An absolute show of fecal matter throwing on the forums, no matter what they announce.
Nah, that’s just a soundbite. If the changes are good, they are going to be praised.
If you mean that there is always some whiny noise, then sure, but you learn to tell situations when things are good and it’s just some noise and when things are bad.
Patch 9.1 preview, probably with a cutscene and ominous voice-over to sell the vibe of it. I’d personally expect a Maldraxxus raid tier and perhaps a fifth Shadowlands realm for us to explore and quest inside.
Overwatch 2 news, though no release date. Probably beta announcement and estimated date however.
Diablo 4 news, with much the same as the above.
New Hearthstone adventure or expansion announcement.
New HotS hero announcement. Maybe even two heroes, maybe a new map - who knows.
Three things in life are certain. Death, taxes, and an absolute fecal show on the forums - obviously.
Imo D4 will release in 2025 or something.
I do feel like they’ll announce a new game in an entirely new genre.