Blood ,arcane, and Jewels!

A quickly scribbled note,posted in all Neutral cities and reads as follows:

adventurers,jewelers,miners, and researchers needed for an expedition to Silithus.
we shall search for diffrent minerals,and arcane properties of different crystals in the area.
suggested tools for this expedition are : a focus len, a pickaxe, a jeweler’s kit,and any item you belive will be of use to the expedition.


while the events are usually on friday,due to fist of azaroth, it is moved to saturday,same hour.

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An average-sized male draenei, wearing somewhat shamanistic-looking armor and weapons, stops and looks at the note.

“Ah. This looks very interesting. Unfortunately I will be away at that time. Light willing, the miners and jewellers will succeed in their endeavors.”

He places his big, right hand on the note, and murmurs,

"Archenon poros.

Dioniss aca."


Note: this friday activity is moved to this saturday.
Miners, jewelcrafters and other interested people are welcome.

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Soon starting in booty bay!

due to lack of participants,the event is moved to next week

It is today!


I wish you all a delightful event. May the fun of tonight hit you in the jewels! :gem:


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