my 630bdk is more squishy than my 618 prot paladin
as 630bdk with boneshield i got like 120k armor while my prot paladin has 200k armor
my blood dk gets to have 35% parry for 14seconds
my prot paladin has like 25% perma parry every pack with 100% uptime
my 630 bdk doing same dmg as my 618 prot paladin and im Bdk main for years and im sure i know how to do my rotation
my prot paladin also has milions of kicks and utility while as Bdk i have nothing to offer to the team if some troll dont call grip as utility
next week Dmg buffs wont change anything
they nerfed our deathstrike and bloodshield to the ground in beta and they gave us 20% armor to our boneshield to compensate for that , it was such a joke
our talent tree is compelete trash compare to other tanks and i play all tanks in range of rank 1 title except brew
this situation is completely like Dragonflight and im Afraid like dragonflight we wont get any change for another expansion sadly
If the idea is to take dmg and heal it back up then they must atleast buff Bdk armor by something like 30 to 40% to smooth out the physical dmg we take so we can react and play since rightnow the situation is complete disaster
Blood dk relies on self sustain but regarding defensives its lacking.
Everything is true. Blizz just overnerfed bdk and left it… at begging in beta it was so good… now no tankiness, no dmg, nothing just more buttons to press
Due to the nerf of Deathstrike they made Haste stat so useless for us and it means sanlayn which is built upon haste is also gona be useless defencively , it is such a mess rn
I rerolled until my sub runs out in a couple days. There’s no point to try, especially if you pug. You won’t get invited and when you do you’re surrounded by fotm players that got to the same rio level as you with little to no effort and don’t know how to properly play their class.
BDK is extremely reliant on the team to use their ccs and interrupts and 99% of the players don’t do that or they do it wrong and you just flop. Then they call you all sort of names oblivious to the fact that they are directly responsible.
But how would they know really, most fotm players are used to play with fotm specs, they just need to be there and exist.
I am not asking for other tank specs to get nerfed, it sucks getting nerfed, I was just hoping to get some surva buffs to compensate for all the surva and damage nerfs we’ve been getting even though we are not strong.
I understand fdk and unholy and in amazing positions right now but I picked to play tank this season and I feel like such a clown.
Blizzard is buffing blood damage. Which is also very needed. Ive had many people complain that im losing aggro while theres nothing I can do about it.
The main concern is survivability.
Man I wish blizzard would actually read this forum or test bdk.
I would like to see a blizzard employee play a 10+ as a bdk and then do the same as a prot warrior. Get your head out of the ground!
Such a miserable state right now compared to other tanks. Such a shame!
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