Not sure why people on YouTube keep calling Blood DK an A-tier tank when it’s clearly S-tier. It feels like they’re just trying to hype up Vengeance DH but let’s be real, Vengeance isn’t even close to what Blood DK brings to the table. Between its self-sustain & incredible control Blood DK consistently performs.
You won’t find another tank that has been as consistently steady and reliable throughout all of WoW’s expansions. Yes, I agree if you don’t manage Blood DK’s cooldowns properly, you can feel like a paper tank. But even then it’s nowhere near as fragile as Demon Hunter which only has one reliable damage reduction ability and to make matters worse, it “spreads” onto other targets instead of keeping the DH stable. Jeeez, that’s way too risky for a tank that’s supposed to survive frontline punishment. If anything, Blood DK is the tank to beat right now.