Looking for a Mythic raiding guild. I have previous mythic raiding experience. Made it to last bosses a few times, including with a guild that I ran in Shadowlands, but never managed to get CE. Ideally I’d like a guild that raids once a week, maximum twice if it’s in the afternoon, due to irl commitments I can’t do more in the afternoon. If by any chance you are a morning raiding guild, I can possibly do more than 2 days, however I understand there’s not many progression oriented guilds that raid mornings. My current ‘‘main’’ is Cakefhineese, but I have played mage warlock shaman druid and spriest in the past. Willing to eventually reroll if needed and I tend to have at least 1 alt up to par.
Reach our here if you need more info, I can give you some logs from past expansions.
Kindest regards,