Blood DK m+ improvement

Originally i wanted go into detailes but eventually i decided to cut it short and just to summarize the major points. This should help with the current state of BDK in m+ and also not affect the spec from raid perspective.

  1. Base armor increased at least by 20%. Too vulnerable to melee hits. In comparison to other tanks its just to low even with bone shield running. you sit around 125K max and if you consider how you mitigate dmg as BDK its very low. I would like to avoid any additional buffs to bone shield armor.
  2. DK should have a higher parry chance. Since Blood shield was nerfed and its still a finite absolute number it just doesnt scale well with higher keys. It would be reasonable to implement a passive like paladins Strength in Adversity which gives you parry based on targets hit. This should be tied to blood plague since there is no other choice currently how to hit multiple targets. I consider HS in DnD a very bad alternative.
    It should be linked to - blood boil itself (i think it would be too much for a base spell), hemostasis, coagulopathy or 4pc for BDK. I find the 4pc the most reasonable since we can test it for this season like 5 targets each gives 2% up to 10%. Its better to have it in talent tree however all the mentioned talents have a lot of effects already so a slight rework would be required. I dont think having 3 effects from a talent is a good idea. And this thing as an addition to 4pc would help with the bigger pulls. 10% is still not enough IMO mathematically but its a good start.

The reason why a picked those talents is to make it somewhat equal for sanlayn and deathbringer. Like rapid decomposition is not played for sanlayn but also works around blood plague thus would make it superior for deathbringer.

Additionally it should be a change that will help you with overall survivability rather than boosting DRW for additional parry since it wont solve the problem with windows when you have no def CDs and you are literally like a paper.

Wanted to put it in PTR section but i cant so sry about that.