Blood Elf Body Jewlery

Since they were not present on the recent alpha datamining, i suppose it would be appropriate to make this topic.

Please don’t scrap them, they are amazing, look nice, match the identity and style of the race and certainly give Blood Elves more uniqueness since tattoos are generic and almost every other race will have them in Shadowlands.

Please tell me they are not gone :frowning:


they won’t go anywhere. The changes are here to stay plus more to come.


They gone.

Enjoy the glorified bracers.

Honestly i wouldnt mind if they go. You wont see them from under armor anyways unless you wear slutmog. I’d rather have accessories in hair or forehead, something that you dont have to slutmog to show.


They’re some of the most advanced 3D customisation we have seen in the game yet. They’re probably being worked on still.


Idk, tattoos/war paint would make sense for BEs as it’s literally a thing, at least used by some mages and rangers. But yeah the body jewellery probably just got removed to be worked on some more.

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Those body jewelry makes me remember Ilithyia scene from Spartacus tv series, a masked scene.

I’d post it but I don’t wanna get banned for now.

But they were just 2D textures. And im not sure they were ever implemented into the alpha at all. Might have just been scrapped assets which were datamined.

wouldnt be suprised if they’re gone due to chiness overlords commanding so

they reminded me of Casti body jewelry.
granted, only the women wear it, and then only when bathing…because the Casti bathe as a family and only the husband can see the wife with nothing on…so its like wearing a bikini made from gems and chains lol
but yeah, i was in love when i saw them.
i would love to have them back, even tho you dont see them much. but there are robes and tops that arent too revealing, that you can still see some of the jewelry.

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Have you seen your chestpiece?

Agreed. I would love to see that Tiara on other hairstyles. Why just one? That would be cool instead of body jewelry

Demon hunter armor is little bit revealing but even with my chestpiece i still wouldnt be able to see the necklace or the gloves. I really think they need to think this through and give us better accessories.

And the chestpieces you would expect them to work with would be fancy dresses. But they mostly cover everything of the chest anyway. Some even hide the neck

is no reaosn to remove them at all.
even with SL wow will still be far far behind basicy evry other single game that came out this decade for customsiaiton.
ANd if anything should go its the 0eeffort bald option
And so what if doesnt work for evrything ti was a nice looking fititng and uniue option.

And you could have what you want and we could still ahve the body jewelry aswell

no no no. i want my bald head option!
im happy to have the body jewelry though, and since the night elves got leaves for hair and beards, and matching necklaces, i dont think its that much of a stretch to give back the body jewelry.
they could add the same thing for the nelfs. as in give them the wrist cuffs in leaves n vines, and maybe ankle versions for that barefoot druid look.

YES! clap WE clap NEED *clap TRAPPED clap PRINCESS clap LEIA clap IN clap WOW!

we allready HAVE that.
the Jabba’s throne room outfit, in many colours. you can see it every time you visit silvermoon on the statues lol.
i think there is one that is not too hard to get, but the others are harder.

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plus on a personal note I find people who walk around with half of fort knox pierced through their body look bloody daft but that’s just me. Can’t really say i would be particularly overjoyed to see that everywhere and on everyone.

And don’t even get me started on cheek piercing or whatever it is they call it. I spend my entire time visualizing them getting it caught on something and it leaving them looking like a fish caught on a fishing line.

Still if people think it looks good, have a blast. I just think it looks daft.

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