Blood Elf Golden Eye Flashlights - WHY

I don’t have a problem with the colour per se, I just found the old yellow eyes “plasticy” and the new eyes, well, dumb looking.

Maybe it would look decent if/when they fix the glow floating 10cm in front of the eyes.

Heaven forbid people have discussions!!!


hahahahahaha good one

That change about the Golden Eye really was an odd job… :stuck_out_tongue:

that belongs to the alliance

Just had a look at them, they’d look good for a Paladin but most people play as a Blood Elf Paladin already and

I wanna be part of a different crowd
and insert my individuality
along with others
who are different like me

I mean they were never really good in the first place.

It reminds me a bit of this scene from Asterix & Obelix:


Personally I like the fact that the eyes are more glowing. It feels as if they should be. It’s the Light of the Sunwell that shines in your eyes, and that should be a strong glow. The eyes were previously somewhat dull in their glow, which didn’t really fit.

I don’t like the fact that when zoomed in the glow seems to be placed somewhat in front of the eyes, and not like it’s coming from within and that the glow is the eyes in their entirety.

I think Blizzard can do better. Other races have better-looking glows for their eyes. Still though, I’ll take it. My Blood Elf Paladin looks more like a crusader of the Light now. I just need to not zoom in too much! :upside_down_face:

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my thoughts - flashing eyes are amazing
proof is here:

This reminds me on the super small pauldrons my Male Orc had in TBC, for some reason they changed the size of pauldrons on orcs. It looked ridiculous :joy:

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