Blood Elfs and Giant 1 hand Swords

Why don’t you just make them attach to the back for Blood Elfs?

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Hey, they were forced on us sometime in Legion. I was perfectly happy with our tiny swords :frowning: Gimme back the smol swords.

(I say our because I played blood elf most of my WoW life)


I hated the tiny weapons that were so small all detail was lost. It’s a fantasy game. Part of that is wielding lovely big weapons.

A compromise would be to let people glyph into tiny weapons if that floats their boat

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I want a slider some daggers are comically huge for example when your rogue’s daggers look more like long swords or bastards swords it just looks stupid :stuck_out_tongue:


Belf weapon size is probably my most hated change they made to this game. I used to practically only play belf now my only belf is a DH because of obvious reasons.
The weapons were proportionate to the model wielding them but still kind of large because wow weapons are large (especially wide).
The current size is just ridiculous. A belf character is now 80+% weapon and the amount of clipping is even more ridiculous. Some weapons even stick through the ground when sheathed.


Can’t even see the character behind that wall of glaives…

One-handed swords that are longer, wider and guaranteed heavier than the person wielding them.

That said there are some mad-lads that prefer this look for some weird reason ^^
So the best thing for everyone would be, and I’ve said it sooo many times it’s even more ridiculous than the ridiculousness of belf’s ridiculous weapon sizes…


Average Rogue dagger



Or size slider in transmog …


actually that should not be that big of a deal just to add abutton for the scaling of the software engine

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That is also an excellent suggestion!

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yes, huge weapons on blood elfs look ridiculous … :expressionless:


A big part of the problem is that weapons share the same scaling parameter but vary vastly in size individually.
weapons from older expansions and vanilla are many times smaller than newer weapon models and even I agree that some older weapons were way too small, like for example:

Problem then is that if you double the size of Sulfuras you also double the size of every other weapon most of which already were perfectly sized or too large before the change.
Which gives us todays reality where even the hilt on some swords are thicker than the hand grasping them and clip over them because they didn’t change each weapon individually and weapons are designed larger by each expansion.

Which again everything could be fixed if they added sliders to the transmog tab and let every player adjust and decide for themselves depending on weapon being worn and personal taste.


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